For people who want a president to look great in tight jeans, I'm sorry.

"I love to watch Bush in jeans" is a totally different sentiment than "I love to watch Bush in tight jeans".

And "I love to see Bush do an interview in jeans" is a TOTALLY different sentiment than "I love to watch Bush in jeans!" In fact, they don't even come remotely close to one another, except in the sick twisted homoerotic minds of perverts like yourself.
And "I love to see Bush do an interview in jeans" is a TOTALLY different sentiment than "I love to watch Bush in jeans!" In fact, they don't even come remotely close to one another, except in the sick twisted homoerotic minds of perverts like yourself.
LOL. Dude they just do this because it gets your goat. Seriously. You had to pause a bit before you posted that. As soon as I saw it I knew it would be one of the ever-living posts that will always be remembered.

You're famous, in a JPP sense of the word...

And "I love to see Bush do an interview in jeans" is a TOTALLY different sentiment than "I love to watch Bush in jeans!" In fact, they don't even come remotely close to one another, except in the sick twisted homoerotic minds of perverts like yourself.

like shooting fish in a barrel.:pke:
i never said that

i only brought up the lie by cypress about the tight jeans.....thanks for proving cypress a liar!


Oh man, this message board stuff is better than I remember.

Hey bro, I guess a lot of you cons are super sensitive, didn't mean to upset you! You are clearly unfamiliar with some basic concepts like hyperbole, message board banter, and good old fashioned just dicking around.

Like many of my estemeed liberal collegues have concluded, whenever you hear cons whining about a lib lying, or being a hack, its always just projection.

LOL, at the "cypress is a liar" comment. I get that a lot from a handful of wingnuts (see below quotes). Thanks for reminding me, I really should memorialize this post for posterity:

Posted by CYPRESS: "You're on record saying that if it were up to you, women who get abortions should be stoned to death. Your words. You're on record with that."

Again you misinterpreted something I said and took it out of context to insist I said something I did not say! You do this all the time, and everyone rightwing extremists on this board with an ounce of honesty obsession know you do it. So continue to spew your LIES, that is all you are good for!!!!

POSTED BY DIXIE, in 2006: "If it were up to me personally, there would be no legal abortion... If any abortion occurred for any reason, it would be a crime of murder, punishable by death, preferably stoning, as God mandated in the Old Testament..... I merely made the point that I don't expect society to live by my personal beliefs, or our laws to be structured around what I personally believe”

…."My exception for rape and incest is a compromise, it doesn't mean I am a hypocrite, my personal view is not important, and I wouldn't expect society to conform to what I personally think, if I thought that was appropriate, I would advocate against all abortion and recommend stoning... IF it were up to me alone to decide. I hope that you can comprehend the context of what I stated…."

Warmest Regards,

Cypress the "Liar" (!)
Last edited: wasn't true....i merely pointed out the irony of all you guys hounding dixie while you go around saying things are not are true about him....
LOL. Dude they just do this because it gets your goat. Seriously. You had to pause a bit before you posted that. As soon as I saw it I knew it would be one of the ever-living posts that will always be remembered.

You're famous, in a JPP sense of the word...


No, I am famous in EVERY sense of the word.

It doesn't "get my goat" for pinhead idiots to spew lies, if that were the case, my goat would have been long gone by now. It does illustrate just how sorry and pathetic the lefties have become, when they spend literally hours and hours every day, coming up with lie after lie to tell about me. Creating false identities to 'mimic' me, obsessing over trivial bullshit and misinterpreted context. It's like some of them simply LIVE for that purpose in life.... I wonder who the hell is paying for that? You and I probably!

If we could go back to the day and time the "I Love Bush" thread was posted, you would clearly see it was a "response" thread to the 50 gazillion "I Hate Bush" threads being posted by every nitwit pinhead who could type. Personally, I didn't really care that much for George W. Bush... thought he was slightly better than his dad, but he was like my third choice for Republican nominee in 2000. However, in light of the fact that Pinhead Central had declared all-out war on Bush, I felt compelled to push their buttons a bit with a bit of a smart ass retort. I had no idea the little perverts were going to lie their asses off about what was posted, and create this homoerotic slander. You know, I really thought lefties had more respect for homosexuals than to use homosexuality as a weapon of insult. But I guess it's like everything else, they are just lying ass hypocrites. wasn't true....i merely pointed out the irony of all you guys hounding dixie while you go around saying things are not are true about him....

well, I don't know where you were in middle school and high school when males were perfecting our testertone chops and learning the art of male banter. Were you attending cheerleader practice? We're genetically driven to give each other shit. If you can't tell hyperbole and good old fashioned shit-grinning male banter, maybe you should go play with the girls. The whole "cypress is LYING!" routine on a thread that was obviously meant to be banter, seems kind of gay. Nobody in their right mind thinks dixie is actually sexually attracted to Bush. Stop stressing out.
well, I don't know where you were in middle school and high school when males were perfecting our testertone chops and learning the art of male banter. Were you attending cheerleader practice? We're genetically driven to give each other shit. If you can't tell hyperbole and good old fashioned shit-grinning male banter, maybe you should go play with the girls. The whole "cypress is LYING!" routine on a thread that was obviously meant to be banter, seems kind of gay. Nobody in their right mind thinks dixie is actually sexually attracted to Bush. Stop stressing out.

i'm not stressed....just humored...

thing is...we aren't on a playground and i can't see "tone"....i've seen people make false accusations on boards all the time and given you guys penchant for going after the hell was i to know you were just "joking"....

and if you get your facts straight....after you said it was a joke....i did not call you a liar...seems you got all worked up when someone asked for proof....yet you guys go ape over dixie and proof...

For people who want a president to look great in tight jeans, I'm sorry.

~ Obama

LOL, good answer, seriously, who the ef cares what kind of jeans he wears

Seriously, you have your priorities all messed up. My President just needs to be the President.

I didn't think Bush looked good in jeans, but it wasn't a big concern of mine, seriously!