? For the left

It's a picture of bathroom at a prison, not jail. They have partitions. That makes it more private. You seem to think the toilets and showers are out in the open around cellmates.

That may be true in the past, but no longer. Things are changing.

That does not make it private. That's inane. You take a picture of, literally, a public restroom without doors and say it is "private"... That's absurd.
So what's stopping them from hanging a blanket from partitions?

The rules, they are not allowed. They must be viewable. If they hang partitions (like a curtain) they will be "violated" by the guards for the rules they have broken. Hiding yourself from view in a prison will almost always net you a visit from a guard. They do not often like it as that is what folks do when they are trying to get away with stuff like taking drugs, etc.

I'm surprised that you have no idea of what it is like to be in a jail or a prison in these United States. Even silly cop shows on TV have a better understanding than you seem to have.
Um they know when the guards do routes.

And they often know where to stand without breaking the rules in full view. If they put up a partition it is basically asking the guard to come and "visit". Yeah, they do things they are not supposed to, but not stupid crap like that. You get used to not having privacy in prison. Shoot I was surprised that female guards were set to watch them frickin' shower in a male prison. They couldn't separate them from that job and say they were being treated like any other guard.
And they often know where to stand without breaking the rules in full view. If they put up a partition it is basically asking the guard to come and "visit". Yeah, they do things they are not supposed to, but not stupid crap like that. You get used to not having privacy in prison. Shoot I was surprised that female guards were set to watch them frickin' shower in a male prison. They couldn't separate them from that job and say they were being treated like any other guard.

They already have partitions as shown in the picture.

Are you talking about max security prisons?
This is in prison, not jail. The showers there are private.

You just do not realize that in many jails the showers and toilets are private.

Yeah, bullshit.

I have no idea what small town jails look like, but I've seen the San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and Riverside jails (not as an inmate) and the all have large, open, shower areas. Los Angeles is MASSIVE, with dozens of shower areas, and we were not allowed in the high security area, but for regular inmates, it's a locker room type shower.

I think you just make shit up to support the Reich agenda, with utterly no care for fact or reality.
Yeah, bullshit.

I have no idea what small town jails look like, but I've seen the San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and Riverside jails (not as an inmate) and the all have large, open, shower areas. Los Angeles is MASSIVE, with dozens of shower areas, and we were not allowed in the high security area, but for regular inmates, it's a locker room type shower.

I think you just make shit up to support the Reich agenda, with utterly no care for fact or reality.

Ah big cities. No wonder.
IF the men can shower with the women, democrats are happy.

You are so dumb that nobody can comprehend how you've survived this long.

IF the men can shower with the women, democrats are happy.
Yup. Democrats hate women. They want them to get severely injured playing against men in sports... they want them to lose to men in competetive sports, destroying womens sports... they want them to feel uncomfortable at best and be violated at worst, showering with men. They don't want women to have anything of their own, it all has to be dominated by men now.
The "O" stands for a missing chromosome but I'm sure you knew that.
I answered your question. I have told you what precise genders all of those examples of yours are. I'll review those answers for you again here:

XX: female
XY: male
XXY: male
XYY: male
"XO": female

So, now that you have your answers, what was the point of your question? What were you hoping to "prove" or "stump me on"? (as if I needed to be a doctor to answer correctly)
Yup. Democrats hate women. They want them to get severely injured playing against men in sports... they want them to lose to men in competetive sports, destroying womens sports... they want them to feel uncomfortable at best and be violated at worst, showering with men. They don't want women to have anything of their own, it all has to be dominated by men now.

The democrat view of women is "erase and replace."

democrats urge their daughters to be lesbians and then wonder why the next generation of leftists are all incels.