? For the left

I am talking about the folks in the thread. Nobody here has made any argument that even considered what restroom this person might use. That's just you and the argument in your imagination.

And I'm not. What's your point? YOUR team has people introducing bills in state legislatures specifying where people go to the bathroom. This is a fact.
And I'm not. What's your point? YOUR team has people introducing bills in state legislatures specifying where people go to the bathroom. This is a fact.

This conversation is not about those things. If you want to have a conversation about it you can start a thread where that is what the conversation is about and I'll happily agree with you there too. Nobody here, other than you, have even spoken about what toilet this person might use. That's your singular focus, but it is talking about peaches in a conversation about the price of rice. I get that you want to feel superior by "winning" an argument that is flowing magically in your head. But you can participate in the conversation or you can start a thread where you will find that you and I agree. Nobody should care what toilet the person uses.
I think it is pretty brave for a biological man to express that he feels more like a woman. I do care about peoples feelings, and think they should be considered. We agree about what should happen in a prison, but I do not agree with the way you denigrate feelings or that you ridicule how much bravery these cross gendered people truly are when they show how they feel.

I feel strongly we should end rape and other crimes in prison, but many, especially Trumppers, disagree.

Man feels like a fucking cat

Is this nut brave or just maybe he needs some mental help
This conversation is not about those things. If you want to have a conversation about it you can start a thread where that is what the conversation is about and I'll happily agree with you there too. Nobody here, other than you, have even spoken about what toilet this person might use. That's your singular focus, but it is talking about peaches in a conversation about the price of rice. I get that you want to feel superior by "winning" an argument that is flowing magically in your head. But you can participate in the conversation or you can start a thread where you will find that you and I agree. Nobody should care what toilet the person uses.

I was making a point. I'll explain. This is another idiotic 'gotcha' thread. But you can't 'get me' if I just don't give a crap. The rhetorical point I'm making is 'why would ANYONE care'. And proof that your team does care is the fact that you are worried about where a trans person goes to the bathroom. I have never seen a group of people more worried about how someone else identifies. But suit yourself.
I was making a point. I'll explain. This is another idiotic 'gotcha' thread. But you can't 'get me' if I just don't give a crap. The rhetorical point I'm making is 'why would ANYONE care'. And proof that your team does care is the fact that you are worried about where a trans person goes to the bathroom. I have never seen a group of people more worried about how someone else identifies. But suit yourself.

You weren't making a point, you were trying to change the conversation. Either participate in the conversation we are having or start a new thread for a different conversation. Stop trying to pretend that you "win" when several times we have agreed. Your point was off topic and a bit childish, and clearly was an attempt to argue a strawman as it was something that nobody talked about in the thread. Your point was weak, then when I agreed you tripled down on it instead of actually reading, understanding what was being discussed here, and then participating in the conversation.

Basically. I've told you several times now, if you want to have that conversation I am willing to agree with you in a thread about it. But here we are having a totally different conversation.
Yup. And we tend to just "let it happen" rather than insist that folks in the prison act like humans...

As I said, and you and I agree, if they have a penis they should not be housed with women without penises. And as I said, it was the feels that are more important than the facts in this not so "brave" new world. Seriously, if the person feels they are a woman they would be abused in a male prison as well. This not so "brave" new world tends to need (exciting) new prisons to house folks. As long as rape is something we are willing to allow in prison (or at least only give lip service to stopping it) I would say that this person needs protective custody.
Is this the case where a man claimed to be trans but hadn’t transitioned? I do not agree with the California or Uk law that allows a man who has not transitioned to female to be housed in a female prison. I do think that trans women should be allowed to serve their time in women’s prisons, because the majority aren’t sexual offenders.
I do not think it is "brave" in today's world to tell folks you feel that way. Nowadays it seems to be braver to disagree with the standard ideology. Folks are often ostracized for thinking differently than you want them to, celebrated for feeling "different". While in reality I do not denigrate the feel, I just believe that facts are important and valid. That you recognize that this person (should they have a penis) should be treated differently than the women who are sans penis, would be a brave stance in this day and age and even something that simple has gotten some famous person canceled, not singing a Shania song about how you feel like a woman.

I have no problem calling the person a woman, since they want that. I just have an issue with putting them in a prison with folks with no penis. There was an instance in NJ where two women were impregnated by someone who felt like a woman but had a penis. (Link here ). This is a travesty.

You and I agree that we should maintain better conditions in prisons and protect even prisoners from rape. Victimization should not be a form of punishment, as it is so often considered to be; at least as evinced by the television shows where actor "cops" use the threat of prison "surprise" sex to force confessions out of prisoners (illegally obtained confession).

It is brave to disagree with the common thinking, but no way as brave as showing the world that you feel like a different sex. How many transgendered people are murdered compared to people who admit to thinking poorly of transgendered people? That is simply silly.

I respect that you do not denigrate how they feel, that is great, and yes facts are important... Biological facts as well as the facts about the cultural expectations their birth gender puts on them. The facts are that for many people there is a biological sex and sometimes separate from the biological sex there is a cultural sex. These are two different things for a lot of people, and those people historically have often been murdered for admitting it, or for people simply finding out about it. Still today there is great discrimination against people who do not identify with the cultural expectations about how they were born.

Believing that these people are "freaks" or disgusting, or somehow shameful is simply not discriminated against in the same way. You know this.

If we could magically prevent 100% of rape or other sex in prison's, I would not believe we should separate by sex at all. That is not currently possible, so I agree biological sex separation is necessary in prisons.
Nobody cares where this person goes to the bathroom, that's just you projecting what you want to argue onto others and a sign of a simple mind. You can't actually read ideas and talk about what someone says, you have to instead argue against some sad strawman that doesn't exist so you can feel like you "won".

Anyway, since that's what you want the conversation to be about... You and I agree, neither of us care which restroom this person uses.

I see a lot of Trumpper types screaming about and spending a lot of time obsessing about how "the Liberals" want men in the bathroom with our little girls. How its grooming and such. You must be blind if you haven't seen this line of attack from the Trump crew. Funny to me because Trump bragged about barging into the dressing rooms of the Ms. Teen USA Padgett.
Is this the case where a man claimed to be trans but hadn’t transitioned? I do not agree with the California or Uk law that allows a man who has not transitioned to female to be housed in a female prison. I do think that trans women should be allowed to serve their time in women’s prisons, because the majority aren’t sexual offenders.

what about sports? do you think transgendered men should participate in female sports? example: the 200th ranked swimmer in the area when he identified as a man is winning women's events right and left.
This conversation is not about those things. If you want to have a conversation about it you can start a thread where that is what the conversation is about and I'll happily agree with you there too. Nobody here, other than you, have even spoken about what toilet this person might use. That's your singular focus, but it is talking about peaches in a conversation about the price of rice. I get that you want to feel superior by "winning" an argument that is flowing magically in your head. But you can participate in the conversation or you can start a thread where you will find that you and I agree. Nobody should care what toilet the person uses.

You and I agree on this, but you are not with the vast majority of other conservatives on this issue.
what about sports? do you think transgendered men should participate in female sports? example: the 200th ranked swimmer in the area when he identified as a man is winning women's events right and left.

The reason the sports are separated in the first place is because, due to Biology, women generally cannot compete against men, and so without separating them there would be very little female participation in organized sports. I think it is important for there to be lots of female participation in organized sports so I do not believe biological men should be allowed in female sports. I suspect a big majority of Democrats and liberals would agree with me.
The reason the sports are separated in the first place is because, due to Biology, women generally cannot compete against men, and so without separating them there would be very little female participation in organized sports. I think it is important for there to be lots of female participation in organized sports so I do not believe biological men should be allowed in female sports. I suspect a big majority of Democrats and liberals would agree with me.

Bullshit if most agreed we wouldn't have the problem we have...there would be none competing....they would be flat out told no....that's not the case

The Penn swimmer would have flat out been told no you can't compete but instead he is competing against women
The reason the sports are separated in the first place is because, due to Biology, women generally cannot compete against men, and so without separating them there would be very little female participation in organized sports. I think it is important for there to be lots of female participation in organized sports so I do not believe biological men should be allowed in female sports. I suspect a big majority of Democrats and liberals would agree with me.

There's also the differences between what sports men prefer to participate in compared to women. By combining them, many sports women would like to participate in would likely be degraded in availability. That too is an issue.
The reason the sports are separated in the first place is because, due to Biology, women generally cannot compete against men, and so without separating them there would be very little female participation in organized sports. I think it is important for there to be lots of female participation in organized sports so I do not believe biological men should be allowed in female sports. I suspect a big majority of Democrats and liberals would agree with me.

Lia Thomas, a man swimmer for the University of Pennsylvania, won the 200-yard freestyle race at the Ivy League women's swimming and diving championships on Friday in a minute and 43.12 seconds, setting a new Ivy record.Feb 18, 2022

If most agreed that that wouldn't have happened...so your post is pure bullshit

He even flops his cock around in the girls locker room

He is so brave
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