? For the left

You don't think she was medically examined? You know it's required, right?

On February 10, Mestemacher was transported to Oxford and booked on the charges. He was seen in the Lafayette County Justice Court for initial hearing where the judge announced a $50,000 bond.

While some media outlets are reporting Mestemacher as a “woman,” or “trans woman,” others are simply avoiding labels altogether. Both the Daily Caller and a Mississippi news website refer to Mestemacher as a “bearded person” or “person.”

Reduxx reached out to the Oxford Police Department who advised us that Mestemacher self-identified as intersexual. They confirmed they do not have any evidence to suggest he genuinely has a disorder of sexual development. The Department could not provide any information on what sex Mestemacher was currently booked as.

Despite being reported as a “woman,” Mestemacher was initially booked as a male, according to a cached page on the Faulkner County Sheriff’s Department inmate roster. Mestemacher would have been in custody of the FCSO prior to his transfer to Mississippi on the bomb threat charges.


Booked as a male by the Faulkner County Sheriff’s Department

self-identified as intersexual....he can self-identified as a fucking cat does not make it a fact

They confirmed they do not have any evidence to suggest he genuinely has a disorder of sexual development.

You just lost
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Booked as a male by the Faulkner County Sheriff’s Department

On February 10, Mestemacher was transported to Oxford and booked on the charges. He was seen in the Lafayette County Justice Court for initial hearing where the judge announced a $50,000 bond.

While some media outlets are reporting Mestemacher as a “woman,” or “trans woman,” others are simply avoiding labels altogether. Both the Daily Caller and a Mississippi news website refer to Mestemacher as a “bearded person” or “person.”

Reduxx reached out to the Oxford Police Department who advised us that Mestemacher self-identified as intersexual. They confirmed they do not have any evidence to suggest he genuinely has a disorder of sexual development. The Department could not provide any information on what sex Mestemacher was currently booked as.

Despite being reported as a “woman,” Mestemacher was initially booked as a male, according to a cached page on the Faulkner County Sheriff’s Department inmate roster. Mestemacher would have been in custody of the FCSO prior to his transfer to Mississippi on the bomb threat charges.


I call bullshit.
Okay. So what is your point?

He is a fucking nut...just like you

Oh and i posted a link that states..They confirmed they do not have any evidence to suggest he genuinely has a disorder of sexual development.

Can u post a link that says they confirmed it has a disorder of sexual development.
The person appears to be a biological man, but I do not care and would refer to him/her however he/she wants. It’s does not matter to me. Emotionally if she is more like a woman culturally I’m ok with that. How one feels about themselves culturally is their business, how one is biologically is not important to me.

See I answered!

Where this person should be jailed is a more complicated question in our modern times. If he has a cock, probably not with women.

But rape happens in all male prisons so… idk.

Yup. And we tend to just "let it happen" rather than insist that folks in the prison act like humans...

As I said, and you and I agree, if they have a penis they should not be housed with women without penises. And as I said, it was the feels that are more important than the facts in this not so "brave" new world. Seriously, if the person feels they are a woman they would be abused in a male prison as well. This not so "brave" new world tends to need (exciting) new prisons to house folks. As long as rape is something we are willing to allow in prison (or at least only give lip service to stopping it) I would say that this person needs protective custody.
Yup. And we tend to just "let it happen" rather than insist that folks in the prison act like humans...

As I said, and you and I agree, if they have a penis they should not be housed with women without penises. And as I said, it was the feels that are more important than the facts in this not so "brave" new world. Seriously, if the person feels they are a woman they would be abused in a male prison as well. This not so "brave" new world tends to need (exciting) new prisons to house folks. As long as rape is something we are willing to allow in prison (or at least only give lip service to stopping it) I would say that this person needs protective custody.

I think it is pretty brave for a biological man to express that he feels more like a woman. I do care about peoples feelings, and think they should be considered. We agree about what should happen in a prison, but I do not agree with the way you denigrate feelings or that you ridicule how much bravery these cross gendered people truly are when they show how they feel.

I feel strongly we should end rape and other crimes in prison, but many, especially Trumppers, disagree.
I think it is pretty brave for a biological man to express that he feels more like a woman. I do care about peoples feelings, and think they should be considered. We agree about what should happen in a prison, but I do not agree with the way you denigrate feelings or that you ridicule how much bravery these cross gendered people truly are when they show how they feel.

I feel strongly we should end rape and other crimes in prison, but many, especially Trumppers, disagree.

I do not think it is "brave" in today's world to tell folks you feel that way. Nowadays it seems to be braver to disagree with the standard ideology. Folks are often ostracized for thinking differently than you want them to, celebrated for feeling "different". While in reality I do not denigrate the feel, I just believe that facts are important and valid. That you recognize that this person (should they have a penis) should be treated differently than the women who are sans penis, would be a brave stance in this day and age and even something that simple has gotten some famous person canceled, not singing a Shania song about how you feel like a woman.

I have no problem calling the person a woman, since they want that. I just have an issue with putting them in a prison with folks with no penis. There was an instance in NJ where two women were impregnated by someone who felt like a woman but had a penis. (Link here ). This is a travesty.

You and I agree that we should maintain better conditions in prisons and protect even prisoners from rape. Victimization should not be a form of punishment, as it is so often considered to be; at least as evinced by the television shows where actor "cops" use the threat of prison "surprise" sex to force confessions out of prisoners (illegally obtained confession).
They won't answer because their lying eyes are clearly telling them one thing, while the evidence of who is asking is telling them another and they don't want to assume anything because of evidence over what someone feels, as they believe that the feels are more important than evidence.

I get this. However, seeing the prison or jail jumpsuit tells me that this person, who may (or may not be) pre surgery transgender should be housed separately from women who do not have penises regardless of the feels.

Speaking only for myself, I won't answer because I DON'T CARE. Man, woman, tran, whatever, it has absolutely no impact on me. None. I've got many better things to worry about than who goes into what bathroom. It's sad that your team spends so much time on that, and absolutely NO time solving real problems.
I think it is pretty brave for a biological man to express that he feels more like a woman. I do care about peoples feelings, and think they should be considered. We agree about what should happen in a prison, but I do not agree with the way you denigrate feelings or that you ridicule how much bravery these cross gendered people truly are when they show how they feel.

I feel strongly we should end rape and other crimes in prison, but many, especially Trumppers, disagree.


They need help not called brace and encouraged!!

Would u call a man brave that said he felt like a green spaceman from the planet Neptune...or would u want him to seek help
Speaking only for myself, I won't answer because I DON'T CARE. Man, woman, tran, whatever, it has absolutely no impact on me. None. I've got many better things to worry about than who goes into what bathroom. It's sad that your team spends so much time on that, and absolutely NO time solving real problems.

Nobody cares where this person goes to the bathroom, that's just you projecting what you want to argue onto others and a sign of a simple mind. You can't actually read ideas and talk about what someone says, you have to instead argue against some sad strawman that doesn't exist so you can feel like you "won".

Anyway, since that's what you want the conversation to be about... You and I agree, neither of us care which restroom this person uses.
Nobody cares where this person goes to the bathroom, that's just you projecting what you want to argue onto others and a sign of a simple mind. You can't actually read ideas and talk about what someone says, you have to instead argue against some sad strawman that doesn't exist so you can feel like you "won".

Anyway, if that's what you think the conversation is about. You and I agree, neither of us care which restroom this person uses.

Oh, they don't? Then why in hell are they introducing bills about it in state legislatures. Please. Just stop.
Nobody cares where this person goes to the bathroom, that's just you projecting what you want to argue onto others and a sign of a simple mind. You can't actually read ideas and talk about what someone says, you have to instead argue against some sad strawman that doesn't exist so you can feel like you "won".

Anyway, if that's what you think the conversation is about. You and I agree, neither of us care which restroom this person uses.

Oh, they don't? Then why in hell are they introducing bills about it in state legislatures. Please. Just stop.
Oh, they don't? Then why in hell are they introducing bills about it in state legislatures. Please. Just stop.

I am talking about the folks in the thread. Nobody here has made any argument that even considered what restroom this person might use. That's just you and the argument in your imagination.