For the women

That's time you'll never get back...;)

Those three are not going be much help considering Taytay, Oprah, Barack, and a billion dollars didn't help...
Barry scolding Black men like they are slave field hands didn't help. And Slick Willie admitting is that Kamala our Border Czar had Laken's murder turned back at the border she would be alive today. That helped loads......for Trump. Slick Wille has developed a noticeable tremor in his left arm. Maybe that affected his fastball.

Now, you are ignoring Trump's pro-Rape policy positions.

1. He just starts kissing women, he doesn't even wait (shows he doesn't value consent and is OK with sexual attacks)
2. He's been convicted of sexual abuse for what sounds like an attempted rape in Bergdorfs

I'd say Trump is 100% pro-rape. He probably wouldn't rape Ivanka. But he sure would like to have sex with her apparently.
I don't see any pro rape policies....I get he hurt your feelings...but if you vote for Kam your family...your community...your country suffers...

A classic example of the stereotypal, loud-mothed , self-obsessed, "dumb blonde".

If a woman is raped and becomes pregnant, she has options....

(1) ABORTION. Abortion is the intentional killing of a human being. Have you ever noticed how the word "abortion" sounds ugly whenever you hear it spoken ? It just does. Abortion is an ugly, dispiriting word. Thats they way it sounds because, because that is how your moral conscience reminds you that abortion is murder, and murder is WRONG. "Thou shallt not kill." Right?

(2) There are some exceptional circumstances where abortion is medically - ethically justifiable. These exceptions usually involve the continuation of the pregnancy presenting a direct threat to the life of the mother, or where the foetus is afflicted with some severe congenital medical disorder that is pretty much incompatible with any kind of reasonable quality of life for the baby after it is born.

(3) I do not see rape resulting in a pregnancy as an ethical justification for abortion. If a woman is raped and impregnated, I think she should carry the baby to term and then if she she doesn't not want to keep the baby, she should have it adopted to a responsible, married couple whon are unable to have children of their own. Whose to say that this baby may not grow up and live a loving, happy, satisfying life. Wh's to say this baby may not grow up to be a brilliant scientist or a writer or a Pastor or even become President of the United States. Who's to say he might not fall in love,marry his girl and experience the miracle of fatherhood himself.

The option is death -abortion. I would say to the woman who is impregnated by a rapist - CHOOSE LIFE, give the little human being inside you a shot at life. Life has infinite potentials; death destroys them all.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Now, you are ignoring Trump's pro-Rape policy positions.

1. He just starts kissing women, he doesn't even wait (shows he doesn't value consent and is OK with sexual attacks)
2. He's been convicted of sexual abuse for what sounds like an attempted rape in Bergdorfs

I'd say Trump is 100% pro-rape. He probably wouldn't rape Ivanka. But he sure would like to have sex with her apparently.
He said because he is rich and famous women LET HIM grab their... That is consent. How many times have we seen young attractive women trading sexually favors with rich and powerful men. Happen every day of the week.

Biden pinned Tara Reade against a wall and forcibly inserted his fingers into her..... When she was horrified he threatened her. She told her mother who called into the Larry King show and discussed the rape. Have you ever complained about that?
He said because he is rich and famous women LET HIM grab their... That is consent. How many times have we seen young attractive women trading sexually favors with rich and powerful men. Happen every day of the week.

Biden pinned Tara Reade against a wall and forcibly inserted his fingers into her..... When she was horrified he threatened her. She told her mother who called into the Larry King show and discussed the rape. Have you ever complained about that?
Yeah, I agree. There's nothing wrong with grabbing a little consensual pussy now and then. I used to regularly grab a handful or two in my younger day (on the beach) and the girls took it as a compliment.
He said because he is rich and famous women LET HIM grab their...

Go back and re-read the transcript. If you think that's consent you must be a frat boy.

Biden pinned Tara Reade against a wall and forcibly inserted his fingers into her..... When she was horrified he threatened her. She told her mother who called into the Larry King show and discussed the rape. Have you ever complained about that?

Give it a rest. Trump was convicted of sexual abuse for an attempted rape in Bergdorfs.

TRUMP. No one else. TRUMP.
This post is an admission that some Americans hate mean Tweets more than they hate the inflation that Harris helped cause and is breaking the backs of America's poor and making it harder for some families to feed their kids. Inflation was MUCH better during the Trump administration.

And this post proves some Americans worry more about killing babies than they do about feeding babies.
and yet it is the lib'rul elites killing the children.......

Don't put the Right down! They're doing their bit! They are ensuring more guns are available on the street and for mass murderers everywhere. The Right likes it when elementary school kids are gunned down because it means the Second Amendment is SAFE.
I don't see any pro rape policies....I get he hurt your feelings...but if you vote for Kam your family...your community...your country suffers...

Trump was convicted to sexual abuse in an attempted rape in a Bergdorf's dressing room. He expressed to Billy Bush how much he values raping when he said he doesn't even wait he just starts in on the women or grabs 'em by the pussy.

Trump is as close to a PRO RAPE PRESIDENT as any has ever been. While I have not doubt others have been sexual abusers, only Trump BRAGS ABOUT IT.