For the women

It's you who didn't understand the Roth IRA and apparently still don't.

I'm still willing to help you get your life on track even though you're rude and arrogant.

All you have to do is swallow your pride and ask.

ROTFLMFAO!!! Dude, I opened a Roth IRA the day they were available. I moved almost every dime I had into it. I have two million+ dollars in a Roth. I use the Roth almost exclusively to generate tax free income. Rude and arrogant? Cumcunt anyone? You are a sniveling little punk pretending to be someone. Still haven't said what your degree is in. That certainly isn't top secret. The reality is, you don't have one. And your attempt to brag about your Roth was met by a few of us who actually knew you were bullshitting and called you on it. You went on to talk about your business in terms that made it obvious you don't own one. Tell us more about your 144 IQ. You crack me up. You are also a piece of human garbage.
Agree totally.

As for my comments,
even if we eventually get an NHS, Medicare for All would likely come first.
Baby steps. Ours have been tiny--VA, Medicare, minimal Medicaid....but we've got to keep going.
We're too developed and wealthy to be where we are. It's an embarrassment.

I agree completely. Change takes time. And progressive change is met by vehement opposition. It took 18 years to get the Civil Rights Act passed, and the second Democrats proposed it back in 1948, we got Strom Thurmond in response. But you said the arc of history bends towards the left. I bends towards justice as well. Which at the end of the day is the same thing.
ROTFLMFAO!!! Dude, I opened a Roth IRA the day they were available. I moved almost every dime I had into it. I have two million+ dollars in a Roth. I use the Roth almost exclusively to generate tax free income. Rude and arrogant? Cumcunt anyone? You are a sniveling little punk pretending to be someone. Still haven't said what your degree is in. That certainly isn't top secret. The reality is, you don't have one. And your attempt to brag about your Roth was met by a few of us who actually knew you were bullshitting and called you on it. You went on to talk about your business in terms that made it obvious you don't own one. Tell us more about your 144 IQ. You crack me up. You are also a piece of human garbage.
Is it your love life? Probably not active anymore? I have some ideas that could help relieve your strain.

You don't have to pose anymore. The first step to healing is admitting you have a problem.
Is it your love life? Probably not active anymore? I have some ideas that could help relieve your strain.

You don't have to pose anymore. The first step to healing is admitting you have a problem.

ROTFLMFAO!!! I am married to a women 17 years my junior, and a former model. A strong woman with a mind of her own. She would eat you up and spit you out. She is degrees smarter than you. And a self made millionaire. If you encountered her with your attitude it would not go well. For you.

Your cute little passive aggressive act is transparent. You are as dumb as a post.
ROTFLMFAO!!! I am married to a women 17 years my junior, and a former model. A strong woman with a mind of her own. She would eat you up and spit you out. She is degrees smarter than you. And a self made millionaire. If you encountered her with your attitude it would not go well. For you.

Your cute little passive aggressive act is transparent. You are as dumb as a post.
Is Maury your daddy?
ROTFLMFAO!!! I am married to a women 17 years my junior, and a former model. A strong woman with a mind of her own. She would eat you up and spit you out. She is degrees smarter than you. And a self made millionaire. If you encountered her with your attitude it would not go well. For you.

Your cute little passive aggressive act is transparent. You are as dumb as a post.
Just Yuck on your "strong woman" Feminism has destroyed our country.
Just Yuck on your "strong woman" Feminism has destroyed our country.

I know that most Incels feel that way, so no surprise you do. I think my approach of respecting and treating women as equals has worked out pretty well for me. Our country is just fine. As long as your idiot cult leader, DJ Don doesn't get elected. He might be almost as dumb as you are.
I know that most Incels feel that way, so no surprise you do. I think my approach of respecting and treating women as equals has worked out pretty well for me. Our country is just fine. As long as your idiot cult leader, DJ Don doesn't get elected. He might be almost as dumb as you are.
You are a soy bitch
And you are on tilt you boorish, grotesque rube. I think my work here is done. From here on out I’m just fucking with you.
That's all I've ever been doing. You are just entertainment to me. Like a cat toy.

A person would have to be pretty fucking stupid to take this place or anyone here seriously.

But here you are..............
That is ten times worse than what we have now. A disaster. I don’t even know where to start. You cannot dicentivuze proactive screenings and preventative care. You are incentivizing companies to drive you to expensive and undesirable chronic care. I suspect you took that right off some right wing think tank website. You are clueless. Single payer systems are proven to give the best outcomes at the lowest cost. What you propose will do the opposite. Single payer is not socialized medicine. I personally don’t want to see a publicly paid provider system, but your proposal gives all the power to big pharma. It’s frankly a laughable plan. If you want what works you want single payer and everyone covered.,
Let's start with preventive medicine. On the whole, it is grossly expensive and ineffective. Yes, certain aspects work, but on the whole it is a waste of money and resources.

So, we should use preventative medicine sparingly and judiciously, not just spam it as some panacea because it isn't.

You'd be wrong about where I came up with my ideas on this. They are my own.

What I propose is totally different than virtually anything the talking heads have proposed.

First, I'd implement a national catastrophic health insurance plan. Everyone gets enrolled and these are administered by the current health insurance industry backed by government, sort of like FEMA does with flood insurance. The plan would have a very high minimum deductible, but once met everything beyond that is paid for in full. I'd have the deductible today at somewhere around $10,000 to $20,000.

This insurance is for major medical emergencies, those rare, once or twice in a lifetime things most people might experience. What it is not is for routine healthcare. For those with chronic conditions, once they meet that deductible for the year, the insurance takes over. For most people, that deductible would be no worse than what they're paying out-of-pocket now yearly for such conditions and could be met without bankrupting them.

For routine care, you set up a medical expense / savings account. There'd be options on how to do this for a personal one, and you could have one through your employer. It would work similarly to an IRA or 401K except you'd be able to withdraw funds as needed to meet medical expenses. All money put into the account would be pre-tax (tax free), and all medical expenses 100% tax deductible. That makes the money put in go further in terms of your total earnings. There'd be a yearly maximum you could put in tax free, after that amount anything in the account put is after tax but you could still contribute more than the maximum. Accounts might earn interest depending on who you set it up with and how. That money remains tax free too.

The expectation would be that you have ideally, $10,000 + in your account so you have the deductible met for catastrophic care if that's necessary. The idea of this is you contribute more early on when younger and healthier, and then when you get older and have issues, the money is there to cover the costs of care. But it is YOUR money not the government's or an insurers. The only restriction is that you spend it on healthcare. But you get to choose what healthcare you want and need.

For those on government assistance, an account is set up for them and some of their assistance money goes into that account for healthcare. If you get an EIC (Earned Income Credit) tax refund, that instead of going to you goes into your healthcare account automatically.

For employers, they can set up such accounts with employees and use matching funds or simply put funds into employee accounts. The employee could present a medical expense and have it covered from their employer plan. Unlike personal plans that can grow over time, the employer one is yearly with a cap on total funds equal to the catastrophic deductible.
Funds left in a plan at the end of each year would automatically, by law, be split 50-50 between the employer and employee. That is, each could potentially get up to a $5,000 bonus for the employee being healthy during the year (taxable). The employer could choose to roll over their returned funds into the plan for the next year meaning after several years of paying out these bonuses, the employer's contribution becomes essentially free since they are just reusing money from year to year.

The exact amounts for account size and deductibles is open to debate. I'm just giving rough numbers here. But this plan is pay-as-you-go for most health care with insurance getting involved only when the medical cost is astronomical or massive. The big expense in health insurance is covering routine care. That takes a massive amount of administrative effort. Here, most or all, of that is gone.
I strongly disagree, actually. Medicare for all
is public payment for private services which is unnecessarily expensive.

I want to see the complete deprivatization of ALL aspects of healthcare.
Healthcare for profit is unacceptable among civilized people.

If people can afford ultra high end private insurance and private care
AFTER paying for the national system. then more power to them.

But EVERYBODY pays for the public system.
We're a long way from being civilized, I know,
but that's how civilized nations do it.
And someday, that's how we'll do it.

We were also behind the rest of the world in abolishing slavery as well.
Solidarity-lacking societies like ours tend to be regressive.
Multi-cultural America remains a socially regressive nation.
See how I'd propose to fix the system above.
You're a mental midget.
You probably actually believe the shit that you're spewing.

The arc of history goes left.
Eventually we will have all the socialist programs that more advanced countries have.
But as usual, just as with the abolition of slavery, we'll be one of the very last,
because our population is diseased with backward people like yourself.
I can see that too. Unfortunately, when the Left gets in charge you and I get fucked royally. Leftists have caused most of the wars we've had in the last several centuries. Leftists have destroyed economies of nations they controlled. Leftists have imprisoned and killed hundreds of millions because those they imprisoned and killed disagreed with them. Leftism in politics is the most destructive force on the planet.

Only an utter and oblivious imbecile would vote a Leftist into office.
I can think of 105 places sluts should cool their shit down.

Joe, just curious if you know how babies are made. It requires not just a slut but someone to fuck the slut. The one who fucks the slut usually slinks off into the dark and leaves the slut to deal with what the man wanted.

It's called SEXUAL REPRODUCTION. It's how more humans are made. But it DOES require both a slut and someone to fuck the slut.

Seems like maybe the people who fuck the sluts should carry some responsibility? Nah, it's best just to attack the sluts, eh?
Joe, just curious if you know how babies are made. It requires not just a slut but someone to fuck the slut. The one who fucks the slut usually slinks off into the dark and leaves the slut to deal with what the man wanted.

It's called SEXUAL REPRODUCTION. It's how more humans are made. But it DOES require both a slut and someone to fuck the slut.

Seems like maybe the people who fuck the sluts should carry some responsibility? Nah, it's best just to attack the sluts, eh?
Typical feminist soy boy thinking. Wrong headed in too many ways to even mention. Been there and done that and you people never seem to make the connection to why it's mostly the woman's problem.
Typical feminist soy boy thinking.

What, that it requires a man and a woman to make a baby? Huh. Didn't realize that the Repubs didn't understand that.

Wrong headed in too many ways to even mention.

Yeah, wait until 5th grade when the gym teacher calls all you and the other boys into class to show you some film strips.

Been there and done that

What? Fucked a slut? Is that what you call your wife or girlfriend? That doesn't sound good.

and you people never seem to make the connection to why it's mostly the woman's problem.

Because most of us know where babies come from.
What, that it requires a man and a woman to make a baby? Huh. Didn't realize that the Repubs didn't understand that.

Yeah, wait until 5th grade when the gym teacher calls all you and the other boys into class to show you some film strips.

What? Fucked a slut? Is that what you call your wife or girlfriend? That doesn't sound good.

Because most of us know where babies come from.
Case closed. You are a retard..