For those who bash England constantly

The royal family of Europe to start with.

Here we go again!! They can be traced from Saxon, Scottish (Stuart dynasty), Welsh (Tudor dynasty), Irish, German (Hanover and Windsor), French (Norman and Angevin), Russian, Frank and perhaps even Byzantine lineages.
Consider who you are addressing sheep fucker.
The good that England has was given to them by Scandinavians. They were worshipping trees when we gave them monarchy, civilisation and rule of law.

Did you also pass on your male rape culture??
The Scandinavians took the Lord of Peace at his word and became peaceful.
The English booted out the decendants of Peter started teir own false church.

Both gangs of illiterate pagans destroyed monasteries and killed Christians, whereas the British who got shot of the Romans converted the mass of the people instead of just the exploitive townees, and thus began British civilization.
You are full of manure.

Hardly. They ruled Europe including England for hundreds of years. They only stopped when they converted to Christianity.
The English under the barbarian Henry the 8th murdered the Arch Bishop and started the Church of England. Completely factual.
Hardly. They ruled Europe including England for hundreds of years. They only stopped when they converted to Christianity.
The English under the barbarian Henry the 8th murdered the Arch Bishop and started the Church of England. Completely factual.

You just don't have a clue do you? You spout a load of shit and think you can get away with it!! Thomas More was not an archbishop, he was Lord Chancellor of England under Henry VIII. The Archbishop in question was Thomas à Becket and he was murdered in Canterbury cathedral by knights acting on the orders of Henry II.
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Hardly. They ruled Europe including England for hundreds of years. They only stopped when they converted to Christianity.
The English under the barbarian Henry the 8th murdered the Arch Bishop and started the Church of England. Completely factual.

You're actually going to compare the Vikings to England in terms of world contribution?
Well, It's very documented that they contributed a culture of male rape.

Modern day Norway is pretty fucked up, they have a serious inbreeding problem. Maybe that explains why Rune is so screwed up?

  • A Lithuanian talk show has accused Norway of seizing foreign children
  • Claimed they were needed to combat 'world's highest rate of inbreeding'
  • An 'expert' said fresh blood was needed to strengthen genetic material'
  • Lithuanian Gražina Leščinskiene's son was taken into care early this year
A Lithuanian talk show has accused Norway of stealing their children in an attempt to tackle 'the highest rate of inbreeding in the world'.
The episode of An Hour with Ruta, which aired on independent TV channel LNK last week, claimed that foreign children were being seized and fostered with Norwegian parents to strengthen the Nordic country's 'genetic material.' An introduction to the chat show argued that Norway's Child Protection Service (Barnevernet) argued that it was deliberately targeting Lithuanian children which were seen as a 'sought-after commodity'.

It stated that 'In Norway, Lithuanian children are taken away from their parents.'
An 'expert' on the controversial service told show host Rūta Mikelkevičiūte that the country needed fresh blood to combat its rates of inbreeding which she said had led to high rates of babies being born with birth defects.


Lithuanian talk show An Hour with Ruta (pictured) has accused Norway of stealing their children in an attempt to tackle 'the highest rate of inbreeding in the world'
Modern day Norway is pretty fucked up, they have a serious inbreeding problem. Maybe that explains why Rune is so screwed up?

  • A Lithuanian talk show has accused Norway of seizing foreign children
  • Claimed they were needed to combat 'world's highest rate of inbreeding'
  • An 'expert' said fresh blood was needed to strengthen genetic material'
  • Lithuanian Gražina Leščinskiene's son was taken into care early this year
A Lithuanian talk show has accused Norway of stealing their children in an attempt to tackle 'the highest rate of inbreeding in the world'.
The episode of An Hour with Ruta, which aired on independent TV channel LNK last week, claimed that foreign children were being seized and fostered with Norwegian parents to strengthen the Nordic country's 'genetic material.' An introduction to the chat show argued that Norway's Child Protection Service (Barnevernet) argued that it was deliberately targeting Lithuanian children which were seen as a 'sought-after commodity'.

It stated that 'In Norway, Lithuanian children are taken away from their parents.'
An 'expert' on the controversial service told show host Rūta Mikelkevičiūte that the country needed fresh blood to combat its rates of inbreeding which she said had led to high rates of babies being born with birth defects.


Lithuanian talk show An Hour with Ruta (pictured) has accused Norway of stealing their children in an attempt to tackle 'the highest rate of inbreeding in the world'

That probably is a good reason for Rune's problems and behavior.
Maybe he was sent to NY to find good breeding stock and then he discovered that she's barren. :dunno: