For those who bash England constantly

Hardly. They ruled Europe including England for hundreds of years. They only stopped when they converted to Christianity.
The English under the barbarian Henry the 8th murdered the Arch Bishop and started the Church of England. Completely factual.

The Church in Britain existed from Roman times, though certainly the Papacy interfered by converting the German barbarian gangsters who had seized control in the South-East. Henry V111 was named 'defender of the faith' by the Pope, and restored the Church to independence only because the Bishop of Rome, for political reasons, refused to annul his incestuous marriage to his brother's wife.
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The same Bishop of Rome gave Henry special permission to enter into an incestuous marriage to his brother's wife.

Not sure where you are getting that from? You must be thinking of Anne Boleyn who was, as most historians agree, framed with having incestuous relations with her brother which led to her execution so that the King could marry Jane Seymour. However it seems to me that killing her would have been far more troublesome than just divorcing her.
Not sure where you are getting that from? You must be thinking of Anne Boleyn who was, as most historians agree, framed with having incestuous relations with her brother which led to her execution so that the King could marry Jane Seymour. However it seems to me that killing her would have been far more troublesome than just divorcing her.

Iola was making the claim that Henry's marriage to Catherine was incestuous, because she had been married to his older brother, Arthur. Of course, she wasn't even a blood-relative, and, Europe had all sorts of established laws about degrees of affinity, which regulated how removed a couple had to be in order to be eligible for marriage to begin with.