Forensic expert: Trayvon Martin shot leaning over George Zimmerman


You know it was raining....wet grass, wet ground, wet clothes.....

You think its unrealistic take Martin didn't have blood not him...or impossible....?

If GM shot TM at close range, then there would be blood splatter on GZ, his jacket, sleeve, something. Blood does not wash away with rain. You can try to get rid of it with bleach but it'll still b there. May not be visible but it'll still be there by using a certain solution and a backlight u can see it
If GM shot TM at close range, then there would be blood splatter on GZ, his jacket, sleeve, something. Blood does not wash away with rain. You can try to get rid of it with bleach but it'll still b there. May not be visible but it'll still be there by using a certain solution and a backlight u can see it

It makes sense and in fact I said the same thing a couple of days ago but some of these people are like

If GM shot TM at close range, then there would be blood splatter on GZ, his jacket, sleeve, something. Blood does not wash away with rain. You can try to get rid of it with bleach but it'll still b there. May not be visible but it'll still be there by using a certain solution and a backlight u can see it

No there wouldn't be.
How is the splatter supposed to travel through a shirt and a hooded sweat shirt?