Forensic expert: Trayvon Martin shot leaning over George Zimmerman

Leaving the arguments for the case aside what show's up on our record? If we have any misdemeanors, felony's, dui's etc or does our record include any charges brought against us?

for you it would say 'USC/Ohio' which would be sufficient for anyone to know what a degenerate you are.
Leaving the arguments for the case aside what show's up on our record? If we have any misdemeanors, felony's, dui's etc or does our record include any charges brought against us?

I believe it does, it will show case closed, but still appears on record.
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Those charges still remains matter of public record.

I will wait for Soc's determination of a clean record.

I am fairly certain a 'clean record' means no criminal convictions. That said, I am good with waiting on Soc to clarify if he sees this.
for you it would say 'USC/Ohio' which would be sufficient for anyone to know what a degenerate you are.

Gggggrrrrrr! I can't wait until your work transfer you to Ohio! Because of karma it will happen. I will fly out and visit you just to see the look of joy on your face.
You think TM would have continued the fight with GZ had he been shot in the testacies?

Are you aware that most States have it in their laws that it is ilegal to shoot someone with the intent to wound or maim.
If you're going to pull the trigger, it must be to kill.
George's first lie was to the arresting officer, he told him he had a clean record.

Do you want the full list?

If I was the prosecutor that is how I would start my closing argument, with the list of George's lies.

The left keep bringing this up, so please list everything he's been "CONVICTED" of; because everything else is just conjecture.
Some of his issues. Just because the charges were settled the way the were doesn't mean he wasn't guilty.

George Zimmerman has been accused of domestic violence, tussling with a police officer and for over-speeding.

In 2005, Zimmerman, then 20, was arrested and charged with “resisting officer with violence” and “battery of law enforcement officer,” both which are third-degree felonies. The charge was reduced to “resisting officer without violence” and then waived when he entered an alcohol education program. Contemporaneous accounts indicate he shoved an officer who was questioning a friend for alleged underage drinking at an Orange County bar.


  • In August 2005, Zimmerman’s ex-fiancee, Veronica Zuazo, filed a civil motion for a restraining order alleging domestic violence. Zimmerman counterfiled for a restraining order against Zuazo. The competing claims were resolved with both restraining orders being granted.


  • In December 2006, Zimmerman was charged with speeding. The case was dismissed when the officer failed to show up in court.


Do you now want to try and construct another strawman?
You think TM would have continued the fight with GZ had he been shot in the testacies?
again, totally ridiculous. any prosecutor could argue to a jury (and the jury would have to agree) that if you can take the time and mental faculties to injure in teh shoulder or testicles, then you weren't reasonably in fear for your life. what you're suggesting is stupidity on a monumental scale.
Again, I believe a clean record means you were not convicted of a crime. I leave open the possibility that I am wrong on this point.

I guess this means, in their logic, that someone who was found guilty of murder and then later exonerated, because evidence clears them, that their still guilty of murder. :palm:
I guess this means, in their logic, that someone who was found guilty of murder and then later exonerated, because evidence clears them, that their still guilty of murder. :palm:

Actually, it depends on what you mean by record. I have plenty of clients in that situation, they were arrested but never found guilty. People still look up their "record" and see that they were arrested and use that information to not hire them, not lease an apartment to them, or many other things. In Florida you can have an arrest Expunged, or wiped off your record even if you were never convicted, thus cleaning the arrest from your "record".
Actually, it depends on what you mean by record. I have plenty of clients in that situation, they were arrested but never found guilty. People still look up their "record" and see that they were arrested and use that information to not hire them, not lease an apartment to them, or many other things. In Florida you can have an arrest Expunged, or wiped off your record even if you were never convicted, thus cleaning the arrest from your "record".

The "rap" sheet.
Actually, it depends on what you mean by record. I have plenty of clients in that situation, they were arrested but never found guilty. People still look up their "record" and see that they were arrested and use that information to not hire them, not lease an apartment to them, or many other things. In Florida you can have an arrest Expunged, or wiped off your record even if you were never convicted, thus cleaning the arrest from your "record".

It would depend on what the Judge's instructions were, as to whether or not they remain listed.
If they're no listed, then you have no record; even if other things mention what happened.

Side note:
The prosecuter is asking how come Zimmermans jacket and shoes were wet and showed no signs of scraps from the sidewalk.
I've seen no testimony that his entire body was on the sidewalk.
What if he fell mostly on the grass, after Trayvon's assault, and only his head was on the sidewalk.

If Zimmerman is convicted; I expect that everytime there's a single officer involved shooting, that people are going to expect the officer to be charged with a crime, because the "victim" can't testify as to what "really happened".

As a matter of fact, I expect some people to "force" an officer to fire; just so they can sue and say the officer was stalking them and then attacked them.
The only reason he wasn't charged is because his daddy was in the legal field and pulled a few strings, or anyone else would have been charged in those circumstances!!!!

He stated he had a "squeaky clean" record! I have a full pardon and I still wasn't allowed over the US

All I know is GZ was lying steady! His credibility is pretty much zero.