Forensic expert: Trayvon Martin shot leaning over George Zimmerman

Took long enough and still worthless.

This has not been decided. There really is no evidence to this fact. Following someone is not a provokation, it does not give one carte blanche to just beat on you. In terms of the actual violent confrontation, it was Trayvon. Furthormore it does not address the claim of self defense. If I bitch slap you in the face, you can't come back at me and beat me with a baseball bat. At some point, if I have tried to deflate the confrontation, or to flee, or if your response is NOT PROPORTIONAL, then self defense comes back into play.

your opinion, but this assertion is not consistent with the plethora of witness testimony, at best the States witnesses have all claimed that zimmermans account is not inconsistent with the evidence, not even that woman ME who by far was the most in the bag for the State. Root today has elaborated in great detail that zimmerman had exhausted every option, and that zimmermans only choice at that point was to use his weapon.

How long are you supposed to wait while you are getting your head slammed? Do you know how long 40 seconds is when you are getting beaten and slammed against the sidewalk? Do you rate each hit to the head on a scale of 1 to 10, and contemplate how bad they are? Could your perception be off when you are sustaining these injuries? Could hits to the head be extremely painful (even if the injuries themselves may be superficial)? I say yes. Maybe of the witnesses say yes as well.

There is proof he tried to use other options. For starters, he waited 40 seconds while being beaten. Witnesses have testified that he was screaming for help, calling for help and assistance. He tried "shrimping" according to his testimony to wriggle out of the assault. When one of the witnesses came outside and told trayvon to stop, trayvon kept going, even in spite of a 3rd party telling him to quit. There was no foreseeable end in site. At that point, the blows kept coming, how bad would the next injury have been?

you honestly need to be from another planet to have this conclusion. I know it's anecdotal, but the vast majority of legal analysts on TV/twitter/in written articles online are all saying acquittal here is the most likely outcome . .by far.*

*unless retard zimmerman takes the stand today, which is now a new possibility.

p.s. I am not reading 3 pages of this thread.

To say Martin was provoked is not to say he was legally justified. Nothing in the law says anything about the use of disproportionate force being an exception to the exception. If Zimmerman had a reasonable belief that he was in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm AND he exhausted every reasonable means to escape is the exception to the exception. Neither of those conditions were met and certainly not the second. All of the proof shows that Zimmerman's only act of self defense was to pull his gun and shoot to kill.

My assertion is absolutely in agreement with the testimony and evidence. Zimmerman showed no great concern for his injuries. The ME said they were not great. He also showed no signs of the stress one would expect from someone who had only moments before been in imminent fear of death or great bodily harm. There is NO proof that he made any attempt to escape much less did he exhaust them.

ONCE AGAIN, Zimmerman claims they were no longer on the concrete when he shot. He had no reason to believe that would continue and the use of deadly force is not justified with out an imminent threat. You continue bringing up this irrelevant point because you seem to think that one is JUSTIFIED in using DEADLY force due to provocation. That is not the law in this state.
Took long enough and still worthless.

To say Martin was provoked is not to say he was legally justified. Nothing in the law says anything about the use of disproportionate force being an exception to the exception. If Zimmerman had a reasonable belief that he was in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm AND he exhausted every reasonable means to escape is the exception to the exception. Neither of those conditions were met and certainly not the second. All of the proof shows that Zimmerman's only act of self defense was to pull his gun and shoot to kill.

Then you are not paying attention to the case and you are blatantly ignoring what is written. What you are really saying is that in your mind you already convicted Zimmerman and are now unwilling to listen to anything that might contradict your predetermined verdict.

My assertion is absolutely in agreement with the testimony and evidence. Zimmerman showed no great concern for his injuries. The ME said they were not great. He also showed no signs of the stress one would expect from someone who had only moments before been in imminent fear of death or great bodily harm. There is NO proof that he made any attempt to escape much less did he exhaust them.

The STATES ME said they were not great. The Defense ME refuted that.

Except for the calls for help etc... you know, those things you ignore so you can chant the same thing over and over again rather than discuss.
It is clear that the left wing is hoping against hope that the jury will ignore all of the evidence, or make up their own evidence and convict Zimmerman. They don't care if justice is truly served or not. To them the only way justice will be served is if an hispanic is crucified to satisfy their blood lust and stoke their racial passions
Then you are not paying attention to the case and you are blatantly ignoring what is written. What you are really saying is that in your mind you already convicted Zimmerman and are now unwilling to listen to anything that might contradict your predetermined verdict.


The STATES ME said they were not great. The Defense ME refuted that.

Except for the calls for help etc... you know, those things you ignore so you can chant the same thing over and over again rather than discuss.

Zimmerman did not seem to think they were too great.

Okay, yes the contradicted, inconclusive and completely uncompelling evidence presented that he called out for help could be said to be an attempt to escape. Does it exhaust attempts to escape? No.
Here, in his interview with Zimmerman, officer Serino indicates that it seems Trayvon was provoked.

Serino: … but for future reference, I mean you can usually dismiss a lot of this kind of insanity… I mean, had that been done, and that’s, you know, and from our vantage point, you’ve had 2 opportunities to identify yourself as somebody who was actually not meaning to do him harm. Problem being, is that we’re visiting in his mind’s eye, which I can’t get into because he’s passed, that he perceives you as a threat. OK, he perceives you as a threat, he has every right to go and defend himself, especially when you reach into your pocket to grab a cell phone....

Yes, you were completely non-responsive to what Grind posted. Instead you just waved your hand and dismissed it because it contradicted your predetermined verdict.

Zimmerman did not seem to think they were too great.

Link us up to where he said that.

Okay, yes the contradicted, inconclusive and completely uncompelling evidence presented that he called out for help could be said to be an attempt to escape. Does it exhaust attempts to escape? No.

As opposed to you simply proclaiming that he didn't exhaust other options? Yeah... I think I will go with the evidence over the opinion of a person who convicted Zimmerman on day one.
This is the part I don't understand. If he shot TM while TM was actually on top of him, why wasn't any of TM's blood on GZ's clothing? We've seen pictures of TM's clothing and it was all blood-stained in the front; so we know the blood flowed out of TM, but not onto GZ? How's that work?

The pictures of the hoodie don't show a bullet hole exit that corresponds to the entrance wound.

zimmy has admitted the gun was in a holster in his pants Behind his back.

If trayvon is on top fo him and he fears for his life because hes pinned down HOW the fuck does he get the gun out?

If he could get the gun out he could have just as easily bucked Trayvon off him.

My instinct is he tried to scare the kid and the gun went off.

He then realized he had to have a story of protection to stay out of prison.

Isnt the wild wild west crap you cons think is wonderful great.

Kids dead and lives ruined so some creepy assed cracker can feel like a big man on the block

In a television enterview he was asked ( his lawyer was right there) if he regretted getting out of the car to follow Trayvon

He answers right away NO.

that is an admission to getting out of the car to follow trayvon.

At the trial his story has changed.

The Jury saw that interveiw

Note that it is quite possible GZ was on top and as TM was trying to get up, he was shot point blank in the chest. That can explain the gap in clothing.

Illk go look for a link but I heard it at trial.

It was in a holster the goes intside your pants on ojne side of his back.

It was NOT on his hip

chest wounds bleed profusely

how did he pull the gun if he was pinned down on his back where the gun was

I think that is why he got himself fat in prison

The nonsense you nuts make up is astounding.....and hilarious...
Here, in his interview with Zimmerman, officer Serino indicates that it seems Trayvon was provoked.

Serino: … but for future reference, I mean you can usually dismiss a lot of this kind of insanity… I mean, had that been done, and that’s, you know, and from our vantage point, you’ve had 2 opportunities to identify yourself as somebody who was actually not meaning to do him harm. Problem being, is that we’re visiting in his mind’s eye, which I can’t get into because he’s passed, that he perceives you as a threat. OK, he perceives you as a threat, he has every right to go and defend himself, especially when you reach into your pocket to grab a cell phone....

actually it indicates that Serino doesn't know.
Yes, you were completely non-responsive to what Grind posted. Instead you just waved your hand and dismissed it because it contradicted your predetermined verdict.

Bullshit! I pointed out that his claims that Trayvon used a disproportionate level of force had nothing to do with the law. Also, I pointed out that the exceptions were not met.

Link us up to where he said that.

He did not go to the hospital.

As opposed to you simply proclaiming that he didn't exhaust other options? Yeah... I think I will go with the evidence over the opinion of a person who convicted Zimmerman on day one.

What evidence? Zimmerman had no defensive wounds. The only evidence that he did anything, but pull his gun and shoot to kill, is the contradicted testimony about what his FRIENDS AND FAMILY think they heard on a phone call recording.

And fuck you and your typical ad hominem bullshit. Prove that I convicted Zimmerman on day one or stfu! It was some time before I started to doubt Zimmerman's claims of self defense.
its all in evidence you fucking dicklipped laying sack of weasel puss

Do you kiss Darla with that mouth?

You know it is interesting. If a male on this board used that language, Tekkychick would be monumentally offended. Somehow I don't expect her to chastise you for the same thing. Hypocrisy? Hmmmmm
actually it indicates that Serino doesn't know.

It indicates that he feels it reasonable to assume Trayvon felt threatened and was, therefore, provoked. He points out several times in the interview that Zimmerman never identified himself and had ample opportunity.
So, I wonder how lefties are going to feel about renowned leftie lawyer Alan Dershowitz has come out for GZ's acquittal?
It indicates that he feels it reasonable to assume Trayvon felt threatened and was, therefore, provoked. He points out several times in the interview that Zimmerman never identified himself and had ample opportunity.
you don't seem to have a very good grasp on the lawful circumstances of threatened and provoked. I suggest you research it.