Forensic expert: Trayvon Martin shot leaning over George Zimmerman

The more I read these Trayvon ZImmerman threads, a few things become startlingly clear

1) There are lots of people who don't know jack squat about guns, but it doesn't stop them from trying to feign intelligence about them
2) There are lots of people who haven't even considered the evidence. They actually believe Martin was a 12 year old boy being stalked
3) There are those who want blood and are willing to convict an hispanic evidence be damned

It is a shameful time for the left
Maybe you can explain why he was able to shoot him square in the chest, not shoulder arm, etc....Over power a guy with one hand that was supposedly dominating him for the entire fight?

Attacker has one hand on my face, the other hitting me; I simply can reach up and shoot them in the chest if I can get to my gun.
The more I read these Trayvon ZImmerman threads, a few things become startlingly clear

1) There are lots of people who don't know jack squat about guns, but it doesn't stop them from trying to feign intelligence about them
2) There are lots of people who haven't even considered the evidence. They actually believe Martin was a 12 year old boy being stalked
3) There are those who want blood and are willing to convict an hispanic evidence be damned

It is a shameful time for the left

If Zimmerman had NOT decided to follow his neighbors kid in the dark with a loaded gun Trayvon would have done nothing to him and would be alive.
As the prosecutions case falls apart and becomes clear that the facts support Zimmerman, the left on Team Trayvon has become more deranged and conspiratorial in their delusions. They want an hispanic to suffer
If Zimmerman had NOT decided to follow his neighbors kid in the dark with a loaded gun Trayvon would have done nothing to him and would be alive.

So Trayvon just went around beating people up he thought were following him? Good kid huh? Maybe it was the pot?

If Trayvon had decided to GO HOME right after going to 7-11 he would have never crossed Zimmermans path.

We can do what ifs all day sweetie
Attacker has one hand on my face, the other hitting me; I simply can reach up and shoot them in the chest if I can get to my gun.

So he can punch his own hand? ROTFLOL!! I might not be a gun expert, but you have no fighting Try getting to your gun, with you pinned down, and his legs straddling where your gun supposedly was, take it out of the holster with one hand, take safety off, make your way to the middle of the chest over a guy that has supposedly been beating you to a pulp, and shoot.
I cant speak for others, but I have a strong desire to never be in a situation where I feel it necessary to kill someone.

I would never get out of my car and follow someone I perceived as a threat, I might follow in my car at a distance.
If anyone turned and asked me in a menacing way why I was following them, I would likely back off and be polite.
If attacked, I would hope I would fight free then run.
If unable to run and in fear for my life and had a gun, I would hope I would:
1) Scream bloody murder for help.
2) Spray mace, then run.
3) Shoot in the leg or testacies, then run.
4) If only option, shoot to kill, then run.

I think this Zimmerman fancied himself as some kind of vigilantly avenger with a power obsession, the situation (partly created by Zimmerman) played into some strange savior fantasy. A murder conviction does not seem right in this case, but Zimmerman getting off completely does not either. Id be happy with time served and 10 years of probation requiring psychiatric treatment.
this is purely speculative on my part, but there is the possibility of SOME wound cauterization at point blank range that would make initial blood splatter almost negligent. again, speculation since i'm not a blood splatter expert.

The forensic guy said TM would have lost about 50% of his blood in the first couple of minutes. And his clothes were described as "blood-soaked".

The stooges at the police dept. didn't store TM's clothing properly and it got mildewed, which meant the evidence got degraded.
So he can punch his own hand? ROTFLOL!! I might not be a gun expert, but you have no fighting Try getting to your gun, with you pinned down, and his legs straddling where your gun supposedly was, take it out of the holster with one hand, take safety off, make your way to the middle of the chest over a guy that has supposedly been beating you to a pulp, and shoot.

In one post you claim that ZImmerman should have easily tossed Martin aside, now you claim he couldn't reach for a gun?

So Trayvon just went around beating people up he thought were following him? Good kid huh? Maybe it was the pot?

If Trayvon had decided to GO HOME right after going to 7-11 he would have never crossed Zimmermans path.

We can do what ifs all day sweetie

Trayvon was doing nothing wrong.

Zimmerman was stalking his neighbors child in the dark with a loaded gun calling him names and inferring he was a criminal
The more I read these Trayvon ZImmerman threads, a few things become startlingly clear

1) There are lots of people who don't know jack squat about guns, but it doesn't stop them from trying to feign intelligence about them
2) There are lots of people who haven't even considered the evidence. They actually believe Martin was a 12 year old boy being stalked
3) There are those who want blood and are willing to convict an hispanic evidence be damned

It is a shameful time for the left

The more I read these Trayvon ZImmerman threads, a few things become startlingly clear

1) There are lots of people who don't know jack squat about fighting, but it doesn't stop them from trying to feign intelligence about them
2) There are lots of people who haven't even considered the evidence. They actually believe Martin a 17 year old kid beat up a fit 28 year old with martial arts training.
3) There are those who are willing to let a white hispanic jew get away with murder because it was only a black guy that got killed. Evidence be damned
Here's what I believe. I believe that GZ was a wannabe tough guy, make believe cop. I think that his avatar on a political website would probably be Clint Eastwood. I believe that GZ saw a black kid in the neighborhood and immediately decided he was there to rob or burglarize someone. I believe he followed TM in a way that most of us dads would not want ANY of our kids followed and if we saw someone doing it we would have "words" with him. I also believe that TM saw GZ following him, and because he was a 17 year old male, a creature that has little understanding of and even less respect for his own mortality, turn on GZ and walked toward him. I also believe but cannot prove it, that when TM turned on GZ and approached him, at some point GZ pulled his weapon, TM jumped on him before he could fire, they went to the ground, struggled, TM was trying to beat to shit out of the guy that pulled his weapon on him and during the fight the gun went off and killed TM. Like I said, that is what I believe. I cannot prove it and speculation is NOT evidence and is NOT to guide the decision making ability of the jury.

Unfortunately for TM and his family, the prosecution in this case has sucked buttermilk through a nasty ass straw. They have failed miserably at proving 2d murder, and may not even get a manslaughter out of this.
Very true, had a female client who stabbed he abusive boyfriend with a knife, perforated the celiac trunk. Dude bled out in less than 3 minutes. Not a drop of blood on the ground and only a very small trickle on the abdomen. NG by the way, Self defense.

Nevertheless, TM's clothing shows blood on the t-shirt and the hoodie.
It is amazing how having a simple neighborhood watch is now being described by lefties are being a "wannabe cop" or a "vigilante". I am surprised the lefties aren't merging Zimmermans face with Charles Bronson. Do the kids on the board even know who Charles Bronson is?

It is disheartening to see the racist lefties so hell bent on convicting an hispanic
In one post you claim that ZImmerman should have easily tossed Martin aside, now you claim he couldn't reach for a gun?


I type it real slow for you.

IF as zimmy claims he was pinned down how could he reach a gun in a holster inside his pants on one side of his back.

If he could raise up enough to get his gun he could raise up enough to buck the kid off.

thems the facts
It is amazing how having a simple neighborhood watch is now being described by lefties are being a "wannabe cop" or a "vigilante". I am surprised the lefties aren't merging Zimmermans face with Charles Bronson. Do the kids on the board even know who Charles Bronson is?

It is disheartening to see the racist lefties so hell bent on convicting an hispanic

what was his official title in the neighborhood watch?