Forensic expert: Trayvon Martin shot leaning over George Zimmerman

Also, GZ's DNA was found on TM's hoodie, which would be consistent with their fight.. yet no blood from TM found on GZ. So we're told that GZ's nosebleed or head injury deposited blood on TM, but TM's gunshot wound at point-blank range deposited no blood on GZ. Incredible.
this is purely speculative on my part, but there is the possibility of SOME wound cauterization at point blank range that would make initial blood splatter almost negligent. again, speculation since i'm not a blood splatter expert.
Actually it is not. It is quite simple. If you have a similar weapon or know someone who does, have them unload it and then demonstrate how easy it is to cock it and release the safety.
I'm not as accommodating as SF, I put the safety on, but I never decock the weapon. All I have to do is take the weapon off safe, and then just like my computer's mouse, I point and click.
I'm not as accommodating as SF, I put the safety on, but I never decock the weapon. All I have to do is take the weapon off safe, and then just like my computer's mouse, I point and click.

Is it easy to do while being pinned to the ground?
I have just one request, since so many of you have admitted you don't know shit about guns, quit using the term amazing for the ability to take a weapon off safe and shoot someone with it.
bullet wounds can actually close which would explain why Trayvon didn't just bleed all over Zimmerman. yes it is true.

people don't gush blood like they do in the movies.
He had a gun, would you fear or our life when you knew you had a gun on your person?
A gun isn't a magic amulet that takes away the ability of an attacker that is sitting on you and pounding your head into concrete from being able to injure and/or kill you.

Didn't Trayvon have a right to protect himself? He didn't know Zimmerman from Adm and Zimmerman was stalking him.
Not by initiating an attack. (I'm not saying that is what he did, I don't know as I wasn't there, I'm just saying that even if you are being followed, attacking the person is not an okay option.)

You don't bring a gun to a fist fight.
Apparently, from the testimony, Zimmerman only brought the gun in when there was no other option. It wasn't like he was marching around swinging the gun all over Terminator-style.

Facts don't match Zimmerman's story, no blood on Trayvon's hands, how can you cover a persons mouth, who has a bloody nose and not get blood on your hands.
According to expert testimony, if Zimmerman was on his back the blood would go into his throat, chocking him, rather than flow out of the nose and onto Martin's hands.

The fact was he was following Trayvon, with a gun on his person.

It is why following his case, I would vote for manslaughter.
The fact was the 911 operator told him to track him, and when he was later asked if he was following him he was told that they didn't need to follow him said, "Okay." At that point we don't know if he continued to follow him, but all testimony says that he did not.

From the testimony I've read, reasonable doubt can be found in who actually initiated the fight. We have no witness other than George Zimmerman, and truly only he can know. If you believe that you can simply say, "But he was 17!" and that be enough to convict, then you should never be allowed on a Jury. We need beyond a reasonable doubt, and this case has a handful of doubt.

I personally would not vote for manslaughter, and certainly not Murder 2...
I have just one request, since so many of you have admitted you don't know shit about guns, quit using the term amazing for the ability to take a weapon off safe and shoot someone with it.

Maybe you can explain why he was able to shoot him square in the chest, not shoulder arm, etc....Over power a guy with one hand that was supposedly dominating him for the entire fight?
bullet wounds can actually close which would explain why Trayvon didn't just bleed all over Zimmerman. yes it is true.

people don't gush blood like they do in the movies.
Very true, had a female client who stabbed he abusive boyfriend with a knife, perforated the celiac trunk. Dude bled out in less than 3 minutes. Not a drop of blood on the ground and only a very small trickle on the abdomen. NG by the way, Self defense.
Maybe you can explain why he was able to shoot him square in the chest, not shoulder arm, etc....Over power a guy with one hand that was supposedly dominating him for the entire fight?
IF his arm was free then you just push the gun into the body and blast. A good shooter will double tap, even at close range.
Would it be easy with someone on top? Could he have done it before hand? I am really trying to understand this, not being obnoxious.

Depends on where the gun was. My guess would be on right hip. IF Martin had a hand on Zimmermans mouth/jaw and was hitting him (again assuming Martin also right handed)... then it would have been Martin's left hand on Zimmermans mouth leaving his right free to swing. That would leave Zimmermans right hand free to grab the gun.

It is certainly possible that he pulled it before hand. Though it wouldn't make sense to pull it without intent to use it. So why a delay in such a case?
Not that easy when your head is supposedly being banged off the cement and he is supposedly going in and out of consciousness, and then getting beaten MMA style.

again, it actually is... especially for someone who is trained to use a gun. I have drawn mine so much I could do it in a stunned state with ease. You may want to learn more about guns if you are going to tell people how easy/hard things are to do with them.
The weak case of the prosecution only highlights the reason why this never should have come to trial. This only came to trial because Obama and Holder wanted it to.