Forensic expert: Trayvon Martin shot leaning over George Zimmerman

Illk go look for a link but I heard it at trial.

It was in a holster the goes intside your pants on ojne side of his back.

It was NOT on his hip

His friend that wrote the book, the one who told him to get the gun, testified to this. It is a concealed weapons holster which is worn on the back inside your pants.
Yes but it is clear this yo yo is being EXTREMELY Biased!! And his testimony is not supported by facts and common sense.

They admit he was doing weight training on his own and also we all know fight training involves alot of push ups and sit-ups. GZ is not as wimpy as they want him to seem.

Also, he is ila-like wimpy and thinks some scratches on the back of his head and a few punches might kill him but calm and collected just seconds after having been in fear of his life?
Most of the time, yes. In this case I think that is accurate. Which would lead to #1 and #4 being the likely reason.

I wonder if #1 is possible in the split second after the bullet penetrated TM, taking into consideration speed of bullet, impact etc. And there was no TM DNA on the gun, how does that happen if TM was shot at point-blank range?
Wish Billy would come and explain how Zimmerman was able to cock the gun using both hands if he was pinned down. This really nags at me.
Not sure I follow that. If TM was on his back trying to get up, the clothing again would press against his chest, not fall away from it.

Depends. Was the hoodie soaked. Was it loose fitting? If he got up to anywhere between 45-90% degree. The shirt would come apart from the skin. That would explain GZ's account that after shot, TM was supporting himself on his hands(which is ridiculous). It would suggest he was trying to get up if he was on bottom.
Yes but it is clear this yo yo is being EXTREMELY Biased!! And his testimony is not supported by facts and common sense.

They admit he was doing weight training on his own and also we all know fight training involves alot of push ups and sit-ups. GZ is not as wimpy as they want him to seem.

Wow... ya don't say... one sides expert is biased. Again, irrelevant.
Wish Billy would come and explain how Zimmerman was able to cock the gun using both hands if he was pinned down. This really nags at me.

Apparently there was a bullet in the chamber. He also took the safety off and got it square in the chest, all with one hand!
If the jury follows the law, Zimmerman will be found not guilty.

If they follow their hart and justice I suspect they will find him guilty of manslaughter.
If they follow the law, AND he is found not guilty, then they will have comported themselves with the spirit of justice. I cannot believe that as a member of the bar, you would hold that finding him NG IF that is what the evidence, or lack there of, shows, that the verdict would not be just.
Wish Billy would come and explain how Zimmerman was able to cock the gun using both hands if he was pinned down. This really nags at me.

1) Cocking the gun does not take both hands, it can be done in the same motion when drawing the weapon.

2) Chambering a round does, but that could have been done prior to Zimmerman ever going out. I always have one in the chamber when I take it somewhere. Though it is not cocked and the safety is on. If needed, you don't want to have to take the time to chamber one.
It can't be dismissed that easily, sorry. Injured noses bleed a lot. It wasn't raining that hard. I don't believe O'Mara's version, now if I was a jurist I would just have to convince my fellow jurist, and as women I would ask them to remember how it was when their children got a bloody nose, how you alwys think the injury is worse because there is so much blood.

See how that is how it works in these type of cases. It is all I what the jury believes.
Anyone ever had their nose broken? That fucker bleeds.
Apparently there was a bullet in the chamber. He also took the safety off and got it square in the chest, all with one hand!

I hate explaining basic firearms knowledge to people that think they know better.....

1) carrying a gun without a bullet in the chamber makes it nothing more than an unwieldy and expensive club.
2) tell us what kind of gun it is.
3) handguns are designed to be used with one hand.

numerous semi auto handguns are designed with a trigger safety, i.e. the GLOCK. That means that all one has to do is pull the trigger and it fires because the safety is being turned off at the same time.

I wonder if #1 is possible in the split second after the bullet penetrated TM, taking into consideration speed of bullet, impact etc. And there was no TM DNA on the gun, how does that happen if TM was shot at point-blank range?

Again... speculating... but since he had a hoodie on, it may have captured the original splatter. The bullet would have passed through the hoodie and an inch/two of space, then hit skin/etc... for the DNA to come back through the hole in the hoodie onto the gun would not seem statistically probable. Add in the fact that TM likely went down in one direction or another (most likely to the side given the angle of shot) then it is not likely he was on top of Zimmerman more than a second or two after being shot. (maybe slightly longer, hard to tell without a visual reenactment)
I wonder if #1 is possible in the split second after the bullet penetrated TM, taking into consideration speed of bullet, impact etc. And there was no TM DNA on the gun, how does that happen if TM was shot at point-blank range?

Also, GZ's DNA was found on TM's hoodie, which would be consistent with their fight.. yet no blood from TM found on GZ. So we're told that GZ's nosebleed or head injury deposited blood on TM, but TM's gunshot wound at point-blank range deposited no blood on GZ. Incredible.