Forensic expert: Trayvon Martin shot leaning over George Zimmerman

The one police woman, I believe she was police, demonstrated you needed both hands to load a bullet into the chamber of Zimmerman's gun. I guess this is a question for Billy.

There is no evidence that Trayvon threw the first punch, only Zimmerman's testimnony and I believe they do not considered tat it a fact.

Zimmerman did not go to the hospital, did not have a concussion.

Do you think anyone in a fist fight and hta few times will now have the right to shoot another and claim self defense?

The gun could have already had a round in the chamber. Then all he would have had to do is cock and drop the safety, which can be done with one easily.
That depends. The judge can instruct the jury to deliberate on charges of 2nd deg murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, define those charges and then send them for deliberation.

I don't think so. I think the prosecutor has to ask for the reduction in charges. I could be wrong.
If trayvon was on top of him and his gun was holstered in his pants on his back how did he pull the gun?
name the ways in which a shirt can be 2 to 4 inches from your body.

remember Trayvon had a baggy hoody on
How can anyone be certain in this case?

The responses on this thread illustrate why juries need to be impartial. It's not enough to want him to be guilty, or innocent. There has to be factual evidence that takes the conclusion beyond reasonable doubt.
How can anyone be certain in this case?

The responses on this thread illustrate why juries need to be impartial. It's not enough to want him to be guilty, or innocent. There has to be factual evidence that takes the conclusion beyond reasonable doubt.

The forensic evidence is pretty friggin conclusive as to the gun shot having come with Martin on top and Zimmerman on bottom.