Fox News Barack Smokes!!!


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Let me do a compare and contrast.

Two days ago we did a story about Barack Obama's dirty little secret: He smokes cigarettes. I got a lot of angry e-mail of the how-dare-you variety. After all, the angry e-mailers said: This is old news. Everybody knows he smokes, and what difference does it make?,2933,245079,00.html
Swift boating? He smokes. Only the super-nazi-hate-smoker crowd will care, and they'll probably forgive him his lapse... Much like the cows forgive the "abuse" of the leader of PETA.
Swift boating? He smokes. Only the super-nazi-hate-smoker crowd will care, and they'll probably forgive him his lapse... Much like the cows forgive the "abuse" of the leader of PETA.

No, I don't think that only they will care. Smoking tarnishes ones images these days and that's just the fact of it. Laura Bush is reported to be a chain smoker. Have you ever seen her smoke?
No, I don't think that only they will care. Smoking tarnishes ones images these days and that's just the fact of it. Laura Bush is reported to be a chain smoker. Have you ever seen her smoke?
Couldn't care less.
Couldn't care less.

Damo, sit down because I'm going to deliver some news to you that I don't believe you're aware of. I don't believe you're aware of it because you often give answers like this one above.

You are one person! Just because you care or don't care about something does not make it either an issue, nor a non-issue!

If you're not ok when you read this, please PM me. I want to talk you through it.
Damo, sit down because I'm going to deliver some news to you that I don't believe you're aware of. I don't believe you're aware of it because you often give answers like this one above.

You are one person! Just because you care or don't care about something does not make it either an issue, nor a non-issue!

If you're not ok when you read this, please PM me. I want to talk you through it.
However, I am the only person that can express my opinion.

It makes it a non-issue to me and I believe a non-issue to most in the nation. You can run in circles upset over the announcement that Obama has a bad habit, I don't even think it is a personal attack.

So, while expressing my opinion on what I personally care about, I will express only my opinion, not that of others.

I'm sorry if it doesn't change the way that I post, or that I don't fall into line of your opinion and therefore somehow have more "weight" in your mind.

That is one more thing that I have set no goal toward, nor care to...

If you need therapy after reading this post. Hire a therapist, I haven't the time.
However, I am the only person that can express my opinion.

It makes it a non-issue to me and I believe a non-issue to most in the nation. You can run in circles upset over the announcement that Obama has a bad habit, I don't even think it is a personal attack.

So, while expressing my opinion on what I personally care about, I will express only my opinion, not that of others.

I'm sorry if it doesn't change the way that I post, or that I don't fall into line of your opinion and therefore somehow have more "weight" in your mind.

That is one more thing that I have set no goal toward, nor care to...

If you need therapy after reading this post. Hire a therapist, I haven't the time.

I'm not upset about it, it's been common knowledge to the knowledgable for some time.

But smoking is an image tarnisher these days and there is no getting around that whether you agree or not. I don't think that it's going to matter in a Presidential race. But then, I don't want to have a beer with my President Damo. I want my President to be brilliant, not an "ordinary Joe".

Do you know where that puts me? Way outside of the mainstream rendering my opinion unimportant.

But I know that. I'm very in touch with reality. That's why I've never needed therapy.
I'm not upset about it, it's been common knowledge to the knowledgable for some time.

But smoking is an image tarnisher these days and there is no getting around that whether you agree or not. I don't think that it's going to matter in a Presidential race. But then, I don't want to have a beer with my President Damo. I want my President to be brilliant, not an "ordinary Joe".

Do you know where that puts me? Way outside of the mainstream rendering my opinion unimportant.

But I know that. I'm very in touch with reality. That's why I've never needed therapy.
Clearly you think it is supposed to be more important to me...


Just like I don't care how much beer some idiot wants to drink with Bush, yet people who are uninformed vote on that. I don't care if Barak smokes, yet people who are uninformed will use that to make a decision. This doesn't mean that my opinion is wrong, just that it is more informed.

When I vote for or against Obama, it won't be because he has a bad habit and might yellow up the walls in the living wings of the WH...
Two days ago we did a story about Barack Obama's dirty little secret: He smokes cigarettes.

WHY IS THIS NEWS???? WHY WHY ??? now thats investigative reporting!!!
It's a non-issue with me too Damo, and with most of the rest of the country, I suspect. Now his gun-grabbing plans......that's another story.
It's a non-issue with me too Damo, and with most of the rest of the country, I suspect. Now his gun-grabbing plans......that's another story.
Like I said, whether I would vote for or against him is for a much greater purpose than he looks bad polluting his lungs. Most on this board are simply greater informed than that... We may disagree on what is good and bad in political philosophy, but are we voting against Barack because he hangs a Kool off his lips?
I want my President to be brilliant, not an "ordinary Joe".
Why would someone brilliant, who does not have an inate drive to prove their alpha male status, subject himself to the garbage and mud-slinging that is a political campaign?
Trog, don’t tell me that a nerd like you never watched Star Trek? Don’t you remember that Spock said, in the episode “Space Seed”, “superior ability breeds superior ambition”?


Actually, ambition is the only answer. I personally think you do have to be slightly cracked to want to be President, and especially now.
Darn good point Trog.
I have trouble understanding why anyone would want the job. But then I am my own biggest competitor.
Trog, don’t tell me that a nerd like you never watched Star Trek? Don’t you remember that Spock said, in the episode “Space Seed”, “superior ability breeds superior ambition”?


Actually, ambition is the only answer. I personally think you do have to be slightly cracked to want to be President, and especially now.
Or you have to have a strong belief that you are necessary to fix the problem/s. A little arrogance, but who doesn't expect that in such a person? Honestly, I believe that the smoking thing will have little impact in his popularity. Hey, I could be wrong... If I am it isn't "swiftboating", unless "swiftboating" means pointing out the truth. If he smokes it is his own demon to deal with...