Fox News Barack Smokes!!!

Yes, superior ability breeds superior ambition. But the question becomes - on what does the superior intellect focus this ambition?

Personally, I've accomplished a level of competence in my field that perhaps a dozen people on Earth can match. I have ~140 IQ, a great family, a lot of money, and a big johnson. I don't "need" to be President - in fact, I think I would make a poor one.

Is it getting warm in here, or is it me?

You’re too much Trog.
Yes, superior ability breeds superior ambition. But the question becomes - on what does the superior intellect focus this ambition?

Personally, I've accomplished a level of competence in my field that perhaps a dozen people on Earth can match. I have ~140 IQ, a great family, a lot of money, and a big johnson. I don't "need" to be President - in fact, I think I would make a poor one.
I have a 70 HP Johnson on my little fishing boat ....
I would love to know the ultimate source of that false report about Obama attending a fundamentalist Muslim school as a child. Now that was "swiftboating" or a feint at it anyway. And it was a false report, too:

It smacks of Rove, honestly, though that's just speculation.

Only CBS News is required to apologize for, and fire people, for publishing a debunked report.

The Loony Moony Washington Times will never apologize for this inflammatory smear.
Right, another very "rovian" move would be to cast doubt on whether it really came from the Hillary camp. The idea that the Clinton machine was never even engineered, let alone actually manufactured is ridiculous... They are pretty potent too.
Did I say that? Look, it's clearly smarter to set up someone else to take the heat, yes?

Scenario A: it came from the Clinton camp. This would mean that Clinton has a real dipshit on her team. Not at all unlikely, I admit, but it was a very clumsy move at best.

Scenario B: it came from somewhere else and attributed to the Clinton camp. This is smarter: whether the story is believed or not is almost immaterial.

Given that the original story appeared in a magazine well known for a strong conservative bias, I find the second scenario much more likely.
Please tell me you didn't save the entire thread . . . . darling.

I was just saying to Damo that I could tell him some stories, not show them to him.

A little nervous? Were you in on that thread, I can't remember? What is it you're so eager to hide Ornot? ;) darling.

I was just saying to Damo that I could tell him some stories, not show them to him.

A little nervous? Were you in on that thread, I can't remember? What is it you're so eager to hide Ornot? ;)
Ha! My deniability remains plausible. :cool:
Or C: It comes from the D Party camp, knowing that those people who would love to believe the "vast Right Wing" theory will assume that B is true.. Thus is the division split wider, the wedge driven deeper, the power base solidified stronger...

There are people just as "evil genius" on the left as on the right.
Ha! My deniability remains plausible. :cool:
Your deniability will only remain plausible if you immediately send Darla a box of Ghirardelli chocolates. I remember the thread. You better make it a BIG box, a REALLY BIG box.:shock: Don't ask any questions, just do it, do it NOW!
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