Fox News Barack Smokes!!!

Your deniability will only remain plausible if you immediately send Darla a box of Ghirardelli chocolates. I remember the thread. You better make it a BIG box, a REALLY BIG box.:shock: Don't ask any questions, just do it, do it NOW!
Uh oh.

[Damn! How do you spell Ghirardelli again?]
Your deniability will only remain plausible if you immediately send Darla a box of Ghirardelli chocolates. I remember the thread. You better make it a BIG box, a REALLY BIG box.:shock: Don't ask any questions, just do it, do it NOW!


Do you really remember Ornot on the thread Trog? I have an impression that he was there, but I’m vague on details. I just remember it was a very hot thread. I think I had to take some personal time after I was finished posting on it. In the ladies room.

Do you really remember Ornot on the thread Trog? I have an impression that he was there, but I’m vague on details. I just remember it was a very hot thread. I think I had to take some personal time after I was finished posting on it. In the ladies room.
At the risk of spoiling Trog's fun, I have to say that I mostly missed it. I came in at the very end and only contributed a couple of posts. By that time the, ah, impetus had largely been spent.
Roves tacticts are not unique to Rove... They can and have been learned by others. Not for one second do I put past Senator Clinton's campaign the ability to act as low and dirty as Rove.
And here comes the machine...

Now where is my tinfoil hat...

The idea that the only place that such stuff comes from is the right is bullpucky. It's laughable.

Got that "Yellow Dog Pill" handy?

Reverse logic there Damo? For years we were all told only lefties were consipracy koolaid theorists :)
but the truth finally came out.
Such conspiracy theories as WMD's.
Mushroom clouds,
Roses thrown in fromt of the victors, etc...

Do you really remember Ornot on the thread Trog? I have an impression that he was there, but I’m vague on details. I just remember it was a very hot thread. I think I had to take some personal time after I was finished posting on it. In the ladies room.

Yeah, he was there big time! Oh the things he said! Oh the things he did!

(SSsssh - go along with it! I might be able to trick Ornot into giving you... chocolate!)
Reverse logic there Damo? For years we were all told only lefties were consipracy koolaid theorists :)
but the truth finally came out.
Such conspiracy theories as WMD's.
Mushroom clouds,
Roses thrown in fromt of the victors, etc...
So you are honestly saying that there is no lefty version of the same? Blinders and Yellow Dog Pills galore are at your residence!

You begin to sound like the naive little beginner that I know you aren't. You can pretend all you like that there is no spin machine on the left, but those of us who live in reality know that there is one, that it is at least as ruthless as that of the right. Pretending that Karl Rove invented dirty politicking is just a bit below you...
So you are honestly saying that there is no lefty version of the same? Blinders and Yellow Dog Pills galore are at your residence!

You begin to sound like the naive little beginner that I know you aren't. You can pretend all you like that there is no spin machine on the left, but those of us who live in reality know that there is one, that it is at least as ruthless as that of the right. Pretending that Karl Rove invented dirty politicking is just a bit below you...

I'd get down on my knees and pray every night if I thought it would bring me political operatives on the left who are "at least as ruthless" as the ones on the right.

In 2004, I watched as a decorated war veteran was made into a coward, and a f'ing sniveling little, coke-sniffing, drunk-driving frat boy who used family connections to hide his ass at home during the same war, into a f'ing hero who we all needed to "keep us safe."

At least as ruthless? They're little pansies. I'm tougher and more ruthless than they are.
So you are honestly saying that there is no lefty version of the same? Blinders and Yellow Dog Pills galore are at your residence!

You begin to sound like the naive little beginner that I know you aren't. You can pretend all you like that there is no spin machine on the left, but those of us who live in reality know that there is one, that it is at least as ruthless as that of the right. Pretending that Karl Rove invented dirty politicking is just a bit below you...

yeah Damo there is a spin machine on the left, but they are lagging behind, picking up the tricks from the neos ;)

And please don't demean the wonderful level of decietfulness that Rove has brought to the White House, it is a truley grand achievement in the world of politics.
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I'd get down on my knees and pray every night if I thought it would bring me political operatives on the left who are "at least as ruthless" as the ones on the right.

In 2004, I watched as a decorated war veteran was made into a coward, and a f'ing sniveling little, coke-sniffing, drunk-driving frat boy who used family connections to hide his ass at home during the same war, into a f'ing hero who we all needed to "keep us safe."

At least as ruthless? They're little pansies. I'm tougher and more ruthless than they are.
Bullpucky. I watched as they consistently said he went AWOL with no evidence whatsoever other than guesswork. I watched as they actually made up memos then said that it didn't matter that they were fake because it was "what he would have said"... I watched these supposed inept people do exactly the same thing to another that was being done to them... Giving what they got in spades. I watched them jump all over a car accident of the First Lady wherein she killed a friend, waited for the cops, had an actual investigation... Yet she was trashed.

Don't give me your, "We are all so innocent and couldn't think of doing anything like that!" garbage. It is such total rubbish...
yeah Damo there is a spin machine on the left, but they are lagging behind, picking up the tricks from the neos ;)

And please don't demean the wonderful level of decietfulness that Rove has brought to the White House, it is a truley grand achievement in the world of politics.
LOL. Rubbish again. See the above post. Imagine having an accident wherein you killed a good friend dredged up and then being accused of how you did it purposely even though an actual investigation happened, you didn't leave the scene with a passenger dying in your car... Just bring up what had to be one of the worst things in her life, and she wasn't even the President, just married to him.

You guys take the cake, you ignore the heinous action of your own party, and your "I'm registered Republican" crap is rubbish too. Clearly you more than "lean" democrat. When you can ignore made up stories in the "news" and pretend that those same outlets are somehow "rightwing", when you ignore an attack on the President's wife yet point out the same on another's...

It's simply laughable. There is a machine on the left, just as ruthless as that on the right. That it is often internally used in primaries doesn't change that it exists. Much like Bush and push-polling on McCain....
And she was trashed by political opponents in that accident ? Hmm, I guess that is why none of the hangouts at the local neighborhood country store knew anything about it.

I now say rubbish and overreacting ;)
And she was trashed by political opponents in that accident ? Hmm, I guess that is why none of the hangouts at the local neighborhood country store knew anything about it.

I now say rubbish and overreacting ;)
In the last election she was most definitely trashed by political opponents for that accident.
I guess the memory only works for Conservative antics fo' ya there uscit. Showing your true colors.
At least as ruthless? They're little pansies. I'm tougher and more ruthless than they are.

I agree with Darla (big suprise there). They aren't nearly conniving as the democrats are. And I too wished they were even 1/2 as duplicitious as there con counterparts. They typically like to get on their high horses and make issues out of non-issues. Like Dean's scream, the Kerry's flip flopping issue, I'm sure someone will get on the Obama smokes band wagon, Kerry's botched joke about Bush right before the election. Please. I'll admit one thing, they are PR geniuses.