Fox News Barack Smokes!!!

Me and who are the other two ?
Check the statistics on cigarette sales....
Dropping but still up there.

Hmm when we all quit I wonder what new tax they will do to offset the revenue loss ?
Me and who are the other two ?
Check the statistics on cigarette sales....
Dropping but still up there.

Hmm when we all quit I wonder what new tax they will do to offset the revenue loss ?
You guys are funding education and/or healthcare in some states. It is now your responsibility to give your life for the betterment of society.
But she does not inhale does she ?

Anyway, libs treat first ladies much differently than repubs do. That is proven and obvious now.
Great stuff Ornot, thanks.
Of course this will not change what the neo pundits say, this is just a liberal media distortion , whereas the first report was not ;)
THE point is that you dont see Fox News reporting that Laura Bush smokes.

Yes you do. In fact, if you type in Laura Bush smoker into Google you will see, along with the DailyKos, every major news outlet out there reported that she had smoked.

Now the whole current smoking thing... I am unsure about that one. Not one real credible source of news reports that she currently smokes. Only that it is reputed, and those are on the blogspots.
I would love to know the ultimate source of that false report about Obama attending a fundamentalist Muslim school as a child. Now that was "swiftboating" or a feint at it anyway. And it was a false report, too:

It smacks of Rove, honestly, though that's just speculation.
If it is such, it would be a subtle attack on Hillary rather than Obama... who ends up looking worse for the wear? In the CNN story it mentions that it was reported that Hillary was the one who was on to this, then later describes the school. It ends making Hillary look bad...
If it is such, it would be a subtle attack on Hillary rather than Obama... who ends up looking worse for the wear? In the CNN story it mentions that it was reported that Hillary was the one who was on to this, then later describes the school. It ends making Hillary look bad...
Exactly, and it would be exceedingly hard to prove that their camp wasn't the source of the story, as you know.
Trog, don’t tell me that a nerd like you never watched Star Trek? Don’t you remember that Spock said, in the episode “Space Seed”, “superior ability breeds superior ambition”?


Actually, ambition is the only answer. I personally think you do have to be slightly cracked to want to be President, and especially now.

Yes, superior ability breeds superior ambition. But the question becomes - on what does the superior intellect focus this ambition?

Personally, I've accomplished a level of competence in my field that perhaps a dozen people on Earth can match. I have ~140 IQ, a great family, a lot of money, and a big johnson. I don't "need" to be President - in fact, I think I would make a poor one.
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Exactly, and it would be exceedingly hard to prove that their camp wasn't the source of the story, as you know.
Right, another very "rovian" move would be to cast doubt on whether it really came from the Hillary camp. The idea that the Clinton machine was never even engineered, let alone actually manufactured is ridiculous... They are pretty potent too.