Fraud season is here

Texas has Virginia beat by light years on this. Texas has purged over a million people off its voter rolls for various reasons from they left the state to didn't respond to a address verification request, to being illegally registered to vote. This included over 6,500 illegal aliens, another 6,000 felons still on parole. Of the 6,500 illegals, 1,930 have a history of voting in Texas--there's some of that voter fraud for ya!

Now, Harris was all for the Fuck the People Voter's Act (HB 1) that would have made purging rolls of such people damn near impossible. Just another reason to not vote for the party of the Left, Democrats.
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Do you, the Governor, or anyone, have actual proof that dead people,“illegals,” “illegal aliens” or “noncitizens” voting actually meant anything or effected any race in any election anywhere?
Nobody said they voted. They died and have not been removed until now.

The only dead people that voted in '20, voted for trump. And the criminals were prosecuted.
Do you, the Governor, or anyone, have actual proof that dead people,“illegals,” “illegal aliens” or “noncitizens” voting actually meant anything or effected any race in any election anywhere?
Do you have proof OJ is guilty?

Or Epstein was murdered?

There are some things a man just knows.
So you do not have any proof, what a surprise

Screw "proof". Do dead people and illegal aliens belong on the voter rolls? How about child molesters and rapists? Drunk drivers? Nazis? The January 6th master criminals?
Why don't you just openly bus in chinese communists, islamic nut balls and south American drug smugglers?... oh, wait! Der kamalafuhrer is already doing that.
To rig a national election, hundreds would be needed, at mimimum. People would have to be involved at every level in at least 6 states, dozens of counties, and hundreds of precincts. And they'd all have to keep a secret their whole life.

Why do people continue to perpetuate this fiction? It is impossible to rig a national election.
OR they just have to hack a few voting machines or ballot harvest in key states.
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