Freedom of speech vs Technology

There was a time in the U.S. where the concept of freedom of speech meant something. At one time we had something called the freedom of the press. It was considered to be the Fourth Estate. Which went along with the Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches of government. And generally considered to be the equal of the other three in importance. But it would seem that our new technology has put a stake through the heart of that idea. Because of technology we now have places for people to communicate electronically. For instance, in forums like this. But because they label themselves as "private entities," freedom of speech has no place. There is one forum out there where I can see why. Because the truth to some extent is allowed to be spoken there, the place is practically a ghost town. Maybe if all the forums were the same, instead of a place for the self deluded to hide in and speak to each other, that would be different.

Another blow against freedom of speech happen during the Reagan administration. There used to be a thing in the media called the fairness doctrine. Where two sides to any issue were given equal time. But Reagan killed that. I wonder how the incidents with george floyd or ahmaud arbery (for instance) would have been handled if the fairness doctrine was still in place. Is it time we were honest and took the image of George Washington off the dollar bill?

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The fairness doctrine applied to broadcast media because the government owns the airwaves and sells it for use by those types of media. No other media was subject to the fairness doctrine and it didn't mean that flat earthers had to be given equal time. It was related to political issues. In these days of internet and cable news, the fairness doctrine would be just as dead if Reagan hadn't killed it since those sources would not be subject to the fairness doctrine.
We have all the free speech outlets we ever had plus thousands of new ones due to technology. Plus, the courts have expanded our free speech through interpretation. If you think you are being limited by one site go to 100 others.

An interesting hallucination. Apart from the one I mentioned, there is no forum out there that allows freedom of speech. At least not that I have found. Neither is it allowed on facebook or twitter. The only way you can have freedom of speech electronically is if you're talking to somebody on the telephone. And even then, the NSA monitors that. As for the "law," it is a joke too. Part of the reason is that jury's are a joke.
An interesting hallucination. Apart from the one I mentioned, there is no forum out there that allows freedom of speech. At least not that I have found. Neither is it allowed on facebook or twitter. The only way you can have freedom of speech electronically is if you're talking to somebody on the telephone. And even then, the NSA monitors that. As for the "law," it is a joke too. Part of the reason is that jury's are a joke.

Democrat and republican are just two different sides of the same corrupt coin.

and you are a stupid shit clown who cannot tell right from wrong. what a dumbass piece of shit you are. read their platforms, read the laws they have passed and the ones they have fought so hard to keep from passing. you are an idiot. go to your room.
Actually the real ethnic slaughters weren't by Poles prior to WW2.

But, by Soviets & Nazi Germany against Poles.

Like the 1937-1938 Polish Operation of the NKVD against the Polish minority in Stalinist Russia.
Operation Tannenberg starting in August of 1939 against Polish minorities in Germany.

Katyn Massacre was terrible but was dwarfed by Wola Massacre by Nazi Germany or Wolyn Massacre by Ukrainian Stefan Bandera supporters.

Try making some sense when you write. I never said anything about any ethnic slaughters by Poles prior to WW II. And as for WW II itself, just about everything you've been taught about it is a LIE. I could tell you some truth. And provide proof. But seeing how it would only get me banned, what's the point.
We have all the free speech outlets we ever had plus thousands of new ones due to technology. Plus, the courts have expanded our free speech through interpretation. If you think you are being limited by one site go to 100 others.

Everyone in the world has free speech. A meaningless concept.
An interesting hallucination. Apart from the one I mentioned, there is no forum out there that allows freedom of speech. At least not that I have found. Neither is it allowed on facebook or twitter. The only way you can have freedom of speech electronically is if you're talking to somebody on the telephone. And even then, the NSA monitors that. As for the "law," it is a joke too. Part of the reason is that jury's are a joke.

what a paranoid sissy you are. as if the NSA monitors everybody's phone calls. you have freedom of speech in your house, in your front yard, all you want. but not in the public square. you cannot threaten to kill people, you cannot yell fire in a crowded restaurant, you cannot slander people publicly, or threaten them and otherwise be a threat TO OTHER PEOPLE. and only an idiot believes you can say whatever you want at work and not get fired or say whatever you want on social media platform and get banned if it is objectionable to the ones who run it. quit being a chickenshit bitch.
Hitler invaded the whole of Czechoslovakia months before Poland.

Hitler invaded Albania & the Basque lands even earlier like in the Gurnicka Massacre.

Hitler eventually invaded benign Netherlands & Belgium.
Even his own allies like Hungary & Italy.

I guess everyone was picking on poor Hitler.

You can spout all the bullshit history written by the victors that you want. The fact remains that Stalin made Hitler look like Mother Teresa.
The fairness doctrine applied to broadcast media because the government owns the airwaves and sells it for use by those types of media. No other media was subject to the fairness doctrine and it didn't mean that flat earthers had to be given equal time. It was related to political issues. In these days of internet and cable news, the fairness doctrine would be just as dead if Reagan hadn't killed it since those sources would not be subject to the fairness doctrine.

It is ironic that the right wing, Reagan, killed the fairness doctrine. Because the right wingers are always whining about media bias.
The Republican/Democrat/Leftist/Rights all agree on something. So Lenny? Go fuck yourself.

They are not interested in little people like us.
What Soviet agents BTW!?

Like Molotov?

The USSR was among the first of Hitler's allies.

Not only was Central East Europe, Baltic & Finnic Europe divided between Nazis & Soviets in the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact!?

But, Soviets supplied Nazi Germany with raw materials in the German Soviet Credit Agreement & German Soviet Commercial agreement.

What Soviet agents? You know. The secret kind. The kind that tell everybody who they are and what they're doing to keep themselves secret. As for the Russians, it is well known that Hitler didn't like the communists. The only reason Stalin and Hitler had any sort of pact was because they both thought they could benefit from it. And the only reason why Germany ended up invading Russia was because they found out that Russia was getting ready to attack them. One historian that I was reading about said that the Germans beat the Russians to the punch by only one day. That may be why at first the Nazis kicked the Russian's ass. Because Russian forces were arrayed for attack, not defense. And why shouldn't the Russians have wanted to attack. Germany had war declared on it when it invaded Poland. Russia didn't. Neither did they have war declared on them when a few weeks after going into Poland they invaded Finland. They ended up getting their asses kicked there. But that's a different story.
Who are the Polish Jews that provoked Nazi Germany!?

Herschel Grynszpan!?

While he was the son of Polish Jews he waa born in Germany.

Certainly his assassination didn't warrant violence against Poland or Jews for that matter.

Not that I support Grynszpan either.

Did they have jews in Poland? Yes. Were they most likely pissed off at the German people in Poland because Hitler deported most of the jews in Germany? I would say so. Enough for some of them to kill Germans? Almost certainly. Where in the fuck were you polocks when their Ukrainian neighbors were being massacred by the Russian jews. It's no wonder that Hitler is still widely admired in the Ukraine. The head of the NKVD in Russia was one of the jewish Bolshevik leaders. His was Genrich Yagoda. That one jew alone is said to have orchestrated the untimely deaths of at least 10 million people. I will give you a picture of him with a quote. Along with a couple other pictures. Now be a good little jew slave and tell me that the holocaust happened.

commiejews.jpg jew commie scum.jpg Holdomor.jpg holodomor victims 2.jpg
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The fairness doctrine applied to broadcast media because the government owns the airwaves and sells it for use by those types of media. No other media was subject to the fairness doctrine and it didn't mean that flat earthers had to be given equal time. It was related to political issues. In these days of internet and cable news, the fairness doctrine would be just as dead if Reagan hadn't killed it since those sources would not be subject to the fairness doctrine.

So, technology won over even the fairness doctrine. I think it should be applied to everybody. No matter who owns what waves or anything else. As for the flat earthers, delusional they may be, freedom of speech should apply to everybody. Let them spout their bullshit and dig their own graves.
and you are a stupid shit clown who cannot tell right from wrong. what a dumbass piece of shit you are. read their platforms, read the laws they have passed and the ones they have fought so hard to keep from passing. you are an idiot. go to your room.

You're the dumbass. The law means whatever the powerful says it means. No matter how the law is written.
So, technology won over even the fairness doctrine. I think it should be applied to everybody. No matter who owns what waves or anything else. As for the flat earthers, delusional they may be, freedom of speech should apply to everybody. Let them spout their bullshit and dig their own graves.

I have no idea what your complaint is. Everyone has free speech.
what a paranoid sissy you are. as if the NSA monitors everybody's phone calls. you have freedom of speech in your house, in your front yard, all you want. but not in the public square. you cannot threaten to kill people, you cannot yell fire in a crowded restaurant, you cannot slander people publicly, or threaten them and otherwise be a threat TO OTHER PEOPLE. and only an idiot believes you can say whatever you want at work and not get fired or say whatever you want on social media platform and get banned if it is objectionable to the ones who run it. quit being a chickenshit bitch.

Stupid and insulting. Quite a combination. Welcome to ignore land.