Freedom of speech vs Technology

Did they have jews in Poland? Yes. Were they most likely pissed off at the German people in Poland because Hitler deported most of the jews in Germany. I would say so. Enough for some of them to kill Germans? Almost certainly. Where in the fuck were you polocks when their Ukrainian neighbors were being massacred by the Russian jews. It's no wonder that Hitler is still widely admired in the Ukraine. The head of the NKVD in Russia was one of the jewish Bolshevik leaders. His was Genrick Yagoda. That one jew alone is said to have orchestrated the untimely deaths of at least 10 million people. I will give you a picture of him with a quote. Along with a couple other pictures. Now be a good little jew slave and tell me that the holocaust happened.

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I'm well aware of Genrikh Yagoda

I'm not a Jew apologist nor a German apologist.

As for Ukrainians it is not clear if Stalin or Hitler killed more.

Holodomor killed 4 to 8 million.

Hitler is estimated to have killed 6 to 8 million Ukrainians.
So, technology won over even the fairness doctrine. I think it should be applied to everybody. No matter who owns what waves or anything else. As for the flat earthers, delusional they may be, freedom of speech should apply to everybody. Let them spout their bullshit and dig their own graves.

Are you familiar with the views of Tristan Harris? I think he is right about a lot and that so much of the cause of the current emotional and mental illness of this society lays at the feet of the misuse of information tech, and abuse at the hands of the Tech Overlords.

You can spout all the bullshit history written by the victors that you want. The fact remains that Stalin made Hitler look like Mother Teresa.

Not true.

I tend to believe Hitler killed more.

Estimated death tolls of WW2 range from 60 to 85 million.

More than half were by Hitler.

I estimate Hitler killed 40 to 50 million.
NOTICE: Google ramps up the censorship on Youtube Jan 5. The Revolution is going to keep ramping up the abuse unless they are put down, which is not likely to happen no matter what Stone says.
You have free speech. You don't have the right to tell a private company what they must publish.

Being able to freely communicate ideas is the whole reason behind the concept of freedom of speech. If technology has caused communication between people to become privatized and therefore no place for freedom of speech, then privatization in that regard has to be abolished.
Being able to freely communicate ideas is the whole reason behind the concept of freedom of speech.

Free speech is meaningless. I really have no idea what you're complaining about. The US Constitution prevents government from suppressing free speech but says nothing about private businesses.
I'm well aware of Genrikh Yagoda

I'm not a Jew apologist nor a German apologist.

As for Ukrainians it is not clear if Stalin or Hitler killed more.

Holodomor killed 4 to 8 million.

Hitler is estimated to have killed 6 to 8 million Ukrainians.

Ho wolly shit!!! Instead of spouting nonsense, try looking stuff up for yourself. In total, Russian communists are said to have been responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people. I will show you a picture with a quote by Alexandyr Solzhenitsyn. He was a Russian historian and novelist. And a Nobel Laureate.

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Ho wolly shit!!! Instead of spouting nonsense, try looking stuff up for yourself. In total, Russian communists are said to have been responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people. I will show you a picture with a quote by Alexandyr Solzhenitsyn. He was a Russian historian and novelist. And a Nobel Laureate.

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The Black book on Communism puts a figure of close to 60 million.

But, that's not exclusively Stalin.

Stalin killed likely 30 to 45 million.

Still awful, but.
Are you familiar with the views of Tristan Harris? I think he is right about a lot and that so much of the cause of the current emotional and mental illness of this society lays at the feet of the misuse of information tech, and abuse at the hands of the Tech Overlords.

Never heard of him. But chances are that of you can afford to widely broadcast your views, you are getting the money from somebody who really pulls the strings. Or if you have such money, you are part of the problem.
Not true.

I tend to believe Hitler killed more.

Estimated death tolls of WW2 range from 60 to 85 million.

More than half were by Hitler.

I estimate Hitler killed 40 to 50 million.

Who gives a shit what you estimate. It is generally "estimated" that Hitler had 6 million jews killed. Complete and total horseshit. Which I can prove to a little degree in a Polish manner. I will show you two plaques. One used to be at the Auschwitz memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says that 4 million jews were killed there. But after Poland got its freedom from Russia, they changed the plaque to one that was a tiny bit closer to reality. It says that 1.5 million people died there. Just in that regard, if the deaths at the worst of the worst "death camp" was that much lower, you can bet your ass that they were lower at all of the other jewish internment camps too. So where does that put the bullshit "6 million" figure.

old auschwitz plaque.jpg new auschwitz plaque 2.jpg
Free speech is meaningless. I really have no idea what you're complaining about. The US Constitution prevents government from suppressing free speech but says nothing about private businesses.

Go out and try to buy anything. Watch just about anything on TV or listen on the radio. Does the government produce any of it? Maybe a tiny percentage of a fraction. Other than that, it is industry that runs the show. So what the constitution-government says means nothing. Yet the people remain. And the concept of and need for freedom of speech remains. Obviously the government-constitution isn't meeting their needs. Some would say, rights.
Who gives a shit what you estimate. It is generally "estimated" that Hitler had 6 million jews killed. Complete and total horseshit. Which I can prove to a little degree in a Polish manner. I will show you two plaques. One used to be at the Auschwitz memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says that 4 million jews were killed there. But after Poland got its freedom from Russia, they changed the plaque to one that was a tiny bit closer to reality. It says that 1.5 million people died there. Just in that regard, if the deaths at the worst of the worst "death camp" was that much lower, you can bet your ass that they were lower at all of the other jewish internment camps too. So where does that put the bullshit "6 million" figure.

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actually, dumbfuck nazi apologist, it does not say jews, it says people. mostly jews, in reality, but others considered "sub-human."

you try to somehow defend this-

Life and Death in Auschwitz
By mid-1942, the majority of those being sent by the Nazis to Auschwitz were Jews. Upon arriving at the camp, detainees were examined by Nazi doctors. Those detainees considered unfit for work, including young children, the elderly, pregnant women and the infirm, were immediately ordered to take showers. However, the bathhouses to which they marched were disguised gas chambers. Once inside, the prisoners were exposed to Zyklon-B poison gas. Individuals marked as unfit for work were never officially registered as Auschwitz inmates. For this reason, it is impossible to calculate the number of lives lost in the camp.

For those prisoners who initially escaped the gas chambers, an undetermined number died from overwork, disease, insufficient nutrition or the daily struggle for survival in brutal living conditions. Arbitrary executions, torture and retribution happened daily in front of the other prisoners.
Go out and try to buy anything. Watch just about anything on TV or listen on the radio. Does the government produce any of it? Maybe a tiny percentage of a fraction. Other than that, it is industry that runs the show. So what the constitution-government says means nothing. Yet the people remain. And the concept of and need for freedom of speech remains. Obviously the government-constitution isn't meeting their needs. Some would say, rights.

Okay. No offense, but I have no idea what you're talking about. You want the government to force TV and radio to have a specific content?
Who gives a shit what you estimate. It is generally "estimated" that Hitler had 6 million jews killed. Complete and total horseshit. Which I can prove to a little degree in a Polish manner. I will show you two plaques. One used to be at the Auschwitz memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says that 4 million jews were killed there. But after Poland got its freedom from Russia, they changed the plaque to one that was a tiny bit closer to reality. It says that 1.5 million people died there. Just in that regard, if the deaths at the worst of the worst "death camp" was that much lower, you can bet your ass that they were lower at all of the other jewish internment camps too. So where does that put the bullshit "6 million" figure.

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The 2nd plaque says Auschwitz & the first one doesn't say Auschwitz.

What historian believes that 4 million died in Auschwitz alone!?

Even the Wikipedia article says 1.3 million which is close to 1.5 million.

What are you going to show me next the Wiesenthal center adding smoke to the Chimneys in the historic photos of Auschwitz during WW2?

Jews, Germans, & British are among my least favorite peoples.

Do you honestly think modern Germany is logical in any sense!?

Even the AfD is rabidly pro Zionist.

It's honestly Poland doing the best job out of Europe in modern terms.
The 2nd plaque says Auschwitz & the first one doesn't say Auschwitz.

What historian believes that 4 million died in Auschwitz alone!?

Even the Wikipedia article says 1.3 million which is close to 1.5 million.

What are you going to show me next the Wiesenthal center adding smoke to the Chimneys in the historic photos of Auschwitz during WW2?

Jews, Germans, & British are among my least favorite peoples.

Do you honestly think modern Germany is logical in any sense!?

Even the AfD is rabidly pro Zionist.

It's honestly Poland doing the best job out of Europe in modern terms.

poland blows. fuck poland.