
You have no point.

Your chains of reasoning are non-sequitur. For example, because freedom is most usefully and usually discussed relatively, on a sliding scale, to you that means "truth is relative". You're an idiot.

I didn't say any of that. For me "freedom" isn't relative. I also believe that "truth" as in "objective truth" isn't an absolute, but it should be regarded as a tentative "truth" but not unassailable. Any "truth" can be overturned with evidence.

Don't misrepresent me. It's demeaning.
I didn't say any of that. For me "freedom" isn't relative. I also believe that "truth" as in "objective truth" isn't an absolute, but it should be regarded as a tentative "truth" but not unassailable. Any "truth" can be overturned with evidence.

Don't misrepresent me. It's demeaning.

Consider it a tentative truth that you're an imbecile then.
So that explains your irrational belief that you have done well in this argument, I suppose.

How do you know that's my belief, irrational or otherwise? I don't see this as some sort of competition, just a discussion. But since you have to resort to petty name-calling I suppose that means the conversation is concluded, unless you've got something to offer other than name-calling that is. I like to get something out of a discussion which informs me, it's not a battle to me.
Hmm Interesting thought there Diuretic, discussion vs battle. I think I hve developed a battle mentality on political boards. When I first started on them was just before 2000 and I was anti bush and anti Iraq invasion, so I took a beating and developed a bit of a residual attitude I suppose for political boards.... Hmm have to think about that a bit.

Butt in any case I was right (correct) on both counts :D
Hmm Interesting thought there Diuretic, discussion vs battle. I think I hve developed a battle mentality on political boards. When I first started on them was just before 2000 and I was anti bush and anti Iraq invasion, so I took a beating and developed a bit of a residual attitude I suppose for political boards.... Hmm have to think about that a bit.

Butt in any case I was right (correct) on both counts :D

Yep, I share the same experiences usc. I don't mind a good blue but when it gets down to calling someone a moron it loses its shine for me.
If I read you two right, you've decided you are right, regardless of facts or incidents, now or in the future. Damn, I wish I was cool like you two.
If I read you two right, you've decided you are right, regardless of facts or incidents, now or in the future. Damn, I wish I was cool like you two.

If you're referring to me, no, you're wrong. No, you can't be cool like me either. :clink:
How do you know that's my belief, irrational or otherwise? I don't see this as some sort of competition, just a discussion. But since you have to resort to petty name-calling I suppose that means the conversation is concluded, unless you've got something to offer other than name-calling that is. I like to get something out of a discussion which informs me, it's not a battle to me.

The discussion was alive and well AMIDST the name calling. BOTH THINGS WERE HAPPENING. You never made a compellling case that freedom is an illusion; you merely made silly arguments that "since you can't go to cuba, freedom is an illusion". You couldn't bring yourself to even admit the rational conclusion here "freedom is rarely complete".

So you can bitch and cry about how Im so mean, but the truth is there was an actual discussion, and you said silly things.
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"freedom is rarely complete".

Complete freedom is a return to our pre-civilised days, where might equates to right and any person can do as they wish provided they are physically capable.

You don't want that. The endless dream of absolute freedom that pervades the US national psyche is a bit like a dog chasing its tail.