Freshman Starting for USC

So Mott I was at the Thirsty I after the game and was talking with this generously proportioned gal who wanted to come home with me. I was drunk but not that drunk. So as we are about to leave I look at my buddy and ask where's the fat chick to make sure she's not with us. Well there was another larger girl standing behind me who heard me say it and she though I was talking about her. She got pissed, called me an asshole, and took my USC hat off my head and stuffed it into the bottom of the trash can and then took a beer and poured it into the trash can. LOL... man, do not piss off fat women!
Dude, you live dangerously!!! She could have sat on you and squarshed you. That is the one thing I don't like about going to Football games. It seems like most football fans are 300 lbs slobs who's fat asses over flow into my seat and I have to sit sidways to keep from getting squished.
Dude, I watched some of that CU game. I'm a fan because my sister went there. It was embarrassing. Hawkins promised 10 wins this year. At this rate he'll be lucky to have a couple. His tenure may not be much longer.
He needs to sack his little boy and get a real QB.