Freshman Starting for USC

Happens everywhere. I went to game six of the world series, Yanks vs. Diamondbacks in Phoenix and got batteries thrown at me because I was wearing my Ruth jersey.

Is there some significance to batteries among D-Bag fans? But yeah, had I been there I would have you a douche as well...
Is there some significance to batteries among D-Bag fans? But yeah, had I been there I would have you a douche as well...

Batteries are a common thing for Yank fans, so I would surmise that it was them who were doing the throwing.
I wouldn't call it on ball if the freshman was still shaking.
He finally got it together for the win. Pryor is extreemly overrated.
He sure hasn't shown the ability to lead and win big games like Troy Smith did but He's two games into his Sophmore year. It's a bit early to tell yet.
Penn State beating OSU is a possibility. Hopefully OSU will beat Penn State, and USC remains undefeated.

That way, when Bama beats FL in the SEC Championship, we will get to play the trojans for the NC.
Only a fool would count Michigan out and Penn State is a damned good team. All three are probably better than LSWho this year.
Oh man, I think I am now just coming down from the high of Saturday night. I've been to a lot of football games and there were times Saturday where it was the loudest I've ever heard a stadium. The atmosphere was crazy and electric.

I was born in Columbus and five generations of my family have gone to tOSU so I love the Bucks but young people here don't fool around. I don't know how many times college aged kids threatened to kick my ass or kill me for wearing USC apparrel and they weren't saying it light hardedly either. The best though was yesterday at the this old persons home where I was visiting my Grandma and this old lady with a walker told me I had a lot of nerve wearing a USC shirt and that I should get out of town. She was not smiling while she said this. Her 80 year old husband then followed up with he was surprised no one had punched me yet. Haha... like politics sports brings out the best in all of us.
It can get loud at the Shoe. Last time I went to OSU/Mich game I had a seat in B deck right under C deck. It took several days to get my full hearing back.

I hate it when dick heads act like that. It's a freaken game. Show some sportsmanship. Like Sam Wyche said...."This isn't Cleveland!"
It's being called "The Immaculate Deflection"... We're making a bigger deal of it because we think the Donks will stink this year and this may be one of the few highlights.
And it's not like this happened in the AFC Championship game against Pittsburgh. It happened against the Bungles.
Happens everywhere. I went to game six of the world series, Yanks vs. Diamondbacks in Phoenix and got batteries thrown at me because I was wearing my Ruth jersey.
Yea, I went to a Bengals/Browns game at Cinci and got clobbered in the head with some over sized dog biscuit by some Clowns fan.
more lsu envy,
Look ND never recovered from the beatdown we issued them in the sugar bowl, Miami might finally be recovering from the beat down we gave them in ATL.
Ohio Slow is def not over the BEAT DOWN we issued them in the NC.
We are #7 in a rebuilding yr, we'll be good for the next 3yrs at least.
more lsu envy,
Look ND never recovered from the beatdown we issued them in the sugar bowl, Miami might finally be recovering from the beat down we gave them in ATL.
Ohio Slow is def not over the BEAT DOWN we issued them in the NC.
We are #7 in a rebuilding yr, we'll be good for the next 3yrs at least.
Oh please. You've played Sister Mary's school of quadraplegics and St. Elmores Acadamy for wayward hookers. Who's next on you schedule? A pick up game against the VA Acadamy? The burn ward at Childrens Hospital?
Mott SEC 3 in the top 7 Son. nuff said
What is Ohio SLOW'S last win, the one the ref's robbed the U on???
It can get loud at the Shoe. Last time I went to OSU/Mich game I had a seat in B deck right under C deck. It took several days to get my full hearing back.

I hate it when dick heads act like that. It's a freaken game. Show some sportsmanship. Like Sam Wyche said...."This isn't Cleveland!"

Actually the old lady and her husband were funny. I mean they were pissed but they were OLD. I appreciated their passion. My best friend was with me when it happened and he almost fell over laughing.

I was sitting in the B deck. I was just under the C deck overhang.

As I figured most of the real trash talking was by students or people in their early '20's. That's to be expected.
You know, the Buffs... They stink so bad they lose to Toledo...

Dude, I watched some of that CU game. I'm a fan because my sister went there. It was embarrassing. Hawkins promised 10 wins this year. At this rate he'll be lucky to have a couple. His tenure may not be much longer.
So Mott I was at the Thirsty I after the game and was talking with this generously proportioned gal who wanted to come home with me. I was drunk but not that drunk. So as we are about to leave I look at my buddy and ask where's the fat chick to make sure she's not with us. Well there was another larger girl standing behind me who heard me say it and she though I was talking about her. She got pissed, called me an asshole, and took my USC hat off my head and stuffed it into the bottom of the trash can and then took a beer and poured it into the trash can. LOL... man, do not piss off fat women!