Freshman Starting for USC

Wow, the USC team stayed at the Mariott just down the road from where I work. I threw a buckeye at their team bus this morning when I took my wife to work (She works next door).

A big welcome to Ohio to the California Condoms!

There are those who think Ohio State didn't beat Navy bad because they were looking ahead for USC.
There are those who think Ohio State didn't beat Navy bad because they were looking ahead for USC.
I'm sure there's some truth to that. A certain amount of that is Navy's just a damned good team. Pollsters don't realize that but sports journalist, as professionals, are such a stupid lot that it's amazing many of them can remember to breath.
I bet there's not a coach that has Navy on it's schedule who didn't sit up an pay attention to that game. Navy may not be a BCS team but if you don't prepare for them they will hand you your ass.
Well, after watching that game all I can say is that Barkley lived up to carwacko's hype. He didn't throw any TD's and had 1 Int, but christ on crutches the kid showed poise in that last drive and he played hurt from the middle-end of the third quarter on. He JUST turned 19 this week. I was impressed. He can only get better if he stays healthy.
It's a team game. Ohio State didn't lose last year cause we started a Freshman QB. We lost because USC was a better team. OSU will win this year cause they are the better team.
And they were, for 3 and 2/3 quarters. To bad they weren't for the last 5 minutes. It was a great game and I have to admit I was looking forward to coming here and giving wacko shit about his team blowing it, but Barkley was composed and played well. 3 more years and he is going to be scary, if he stays healthy.
Mott you should really stop calling OSU the Bucks. You give the impression that they are some sort of regal and strong stag that roams the forest looking to rut with a doe when in reality they are just a tree. Although my wife informs me that Buckeye's are a little christmas cookie so you pick between the tree and the cookie.
Ohio freaking slow university. Can't tackle for shit. Proved it vs navy and every lb got run over by nawlins boy Joe Mcnight.
You didn't watch the game did you? OSU shut down their offense till the last 5 minutes. USC's offense only scored 11 points. Let's see LSWho hold them to 11 points. It was OSU's offense that lost the game. They blew several scoring opportunities and could not organize a consistent running attack and Pryor was inconsitent in his passing as our recievers were getting open down field. Anytime a defense holds a team as good as USC to under 20 points, they did their job and anyone who knows anything about football knows that.
It's frurstrating. Obviously we have a good team and just can't seem to get the package all together. There was no excuse for us losing that game last night. None.
true they played a great game. Like I said I was rooting for them so I could give carwacko shit, but you'll do.
Mott you should really stop calling OSU the Bucks. You give the impression that they are some sort of regal and strong stag that roams the forest looking to rut with a doe when in reality they are just a tree. Although my wife informs me that Buckeye's are a little christmas cookie so you pick between the tree and the cookie.
Hey, give credit where credit is due. At least USC has the balls to come to the shoe and play. Hats off to them.
One helluva game. I'll echo the sentiments concerning USC's QB. That last drive showed a lotta heart & guts.

But OSU looked tough. Tough D.