Freshman Starting for USC

You didn't watch the game did you? OSU shut down their offense till the last 5 minutes. USC's offense only scored 11 points. Let's see LSWho hold them to 11 points. It was OSU's offense that lost the game. They blew several scoring opportunities and could not organize a consistent running attack and Pryor was inconsitent in his passing as our recievers were getting open down field. Anytime a defense holds a team as good as USC to under 20 points, they did their job and anyone who knows anything about football knows that.

yes your gay coach played it too close to the vest last drive. But, like I said if your D wasn't garbage you stop a last minute full field drive. McNight ran through those weak ass lb ala Navy.:clink:
yes your gay coach played it too close to the vest last drive. But, like I said if your D wasn't garbage you stop a last minute full field drive. McNight ran through those weak ass lb ala Navy.:clink:

Their D was on the ball all night. I think that USC just played better in the last few minutes.

OSU has no shame in that game.
I wouldn't call it on ball if the freshman was still shaking.
He finally got it together for the win. Pryor is extreemly overrated.
I wouldn't call it on ball if the freshman was still shaking.
He finally got it together for the win. Pryor is extreemly overrated.

That same offense that drove down had more Three & Outs than they did big plays.

The defense was aggressive and were swarming to the ball. The last 2 mins killed them, but they played a great game. USC has a lot of offensive weapons, and OSU stopped them for 58 mins. Too bad that the game is 60 mins long.

I thought Tressel screwed up on their last possession before USC's big scoring drive. He should've burned more clock instead of playing conservative.
he could have easily run Pryor for the first instead of punting.
USC will lose a game to a hyped up hs team in the pac10 as usual.
Ohio slow has no competiters on the little10.
he could have easily run Pryor for the first instead of punting.
USC will lose a game to a hyped up hs team in the pac10 as usual.
Ohio slow has no competiters on the little10.

Penn State beating OSU is a possibility. Hopefully OSU will beat Penn State, and USC remains undefeated.

That way, when Bama beats FL in the SEC Championship, we will get to play the trojans for the NC.
Penn State beating OSU is a possibility. Hopefully OSU will beat Penn State, and USC remains undefeated.

That way, when Bama beats FL in the SEC Championship, we will get to play the trojans for the NC.

the gators will rape you worse than last year
you have a much less exp QB, and Timmy will do it again.
I won't talk about what Fla or Ga did to us last year, it's too painfull.
you have a much less exp QB, and Timmy will do it again.
I won't talk about what Fla or Ga did to us last year, it's too painfull.

That "less experienced QB" is throwing better than the experienced ones we have had. He broke the record for Most Consecutive Completions" on saturday. (Wilson held it before)

We have a better defense, better running game, and a QB that will be better than John Parker Wilson in every way. The O Line is looking better than we expected.

FL only beat us in the last 5 mins of the 4th qtr last year. This year we will take them.
what was the score last year?
Lets see the guy do it against quality competion instead of the high school teams you guys have been playing.
what was the score last year?
Lets see the guy do it against quality competion instead of the high school teams you guys have been playing.

The score was not as bad as the FL/Lsu score last year.

VaTech was not a hs team. And even FIU has won a game more recently than 2007, which was the last time the Huskies won one.
Oh man, I think I am now just coming down from the high of Saturday night. I've been to a lot of football games and there were times Saturday where it was the loudest I've ever heard a stadium. The atmosphere was crazy and electric.

I was born in Columbus and five generations of my family have gone to tOSU so I love the Bucks but young people here don't fool around. I don't know how many times college aged kids threatened to kick my ass or kill me for wearing USC apparrel and they weren't saying it light hardedly either. The best though was yesterday at the this old persons home where I was visiting my Grandma and this old lady with a walker told me I had a lot of nerve wearing a USC shirt and that I should get out of town. She was not smiling while she said this. Her 80 year old husband then followed up with he was surprised no one had punched me yet. Haha... like politics sports brings out the best in all of us.
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I wish I could say my tiger fans are better but I think we almost overtuned Ole Miss bus last year.
You KNOW you are not pleased with the play of the Donkeys. Sunshines on a dogs ass every now and again and yesterdays "rebound" catch was evidence.
It's being called "The Immaculate Deflection"... We're making a bigger deal of it because we think the Donks will stink this year and this may be one of the few highlights.
Happens everywhere. I went to game six of the world series, Yanks vs. Diamondbacks in Phoenix and got batteries thrown at me because I was wearing my Ruth jersey.
It's being called "The Immaculate Deflection"... We're making a bigger deal of it because we think the Donks will stink this year and this may be one of the few highlights.
Gonna be the Chiefs, the Donks and the Raiders racing to the bottom of the AFC West.