From trash to... well... trash w/ money

"About 80 percent of the town's shareholders who cast ballots approved the sale, while 17 percent opposed it, according to a statement Wednesday from the town's corporate office. More than 97 percent of shareholders voted."

There's always some idiot that wants to ruin it for everyone. Why the he|| would you vote no for something like that?
Hey, I have some friends who live there. They are not necessarly trashy. They live RIGHT ON THE OCEAN... Its a great spot, I am sorry to see it go. Where else can you have your moble home practically ON THE BEACH.

I guess had they not sold out, the next big hurricane would have gotten them anyway.
"About 80 percent of the town's shareholders who cast ballots approved the sale, while 17 percent opposed it, according to a statement Wednesday from the town's corporate office. More than 97 percent of shareholders voted."

There's always some idiot that wants to ruin it for everyone. Why the he|| would you vote no for something like that?

Because they will never be able to afford a place on the OCEAN again. They only got a million dollars, after capital gains taxes it wont be that much. You cant live on the OCEAN for anywhere close to a million dollars around here. It was just choosing a live style they enjoyed over the money.
Hey, I have some friends who live there. They are not necessarly trashy. They live RIGHT ON THE OCEAN... Its a great spot, I am sorry to see it go. Where else can you have your moble home practically ON THE BEACH.

I guess had they not sold out, the next big hurricane would have gotten them anyway.

exactly! I wouldn't have thought twice about it. They can probably get something 10 times as nice with the money they will make on the deal.
THis place was a great town... They had cookouts on the beach every weekend. The towns people all knew eachother. It was a great place to live! I might have taken the money also, but it sure would have been tempting to turn it down. The entire town sold to a developer and now only the super rich will be able to enjoy it. Those who took the money will never be welcome again!
exactly! I wouldn't have thought twice about it. They can probably get something 10 times as nice with the money they will make on the deal.

They will never live on the OCEAN again! For some people location is more important than luxjury of the home!
Ohh, and you were allowed to take your dog to the beach there... Im sure that will change now!
Because they will never be able to afford a place on the OCEAN again. They only got a million dollars, after capital gains taxes it wont be that much. You cant live on the OCEAN for anywhere close to a million dollars around here. It was just choosing a live style they enjoyed over the money.,+FL

Well, I just did a search on and there were plenty of homes on the water for under $1M.

I'm sure they'll find a way to make it on $1M.
I know that, but you still cant get an ocean front home for even close to a million around here!
For the "lifestylers" - Maybe they could barter their ownership interest for a full-paid home in the new development? Even fully paid, that might not be feasible if there are stiff HOA fees in the new development, but maybe a reduced HOA fee / waived fee could be part of the deal.

It might be possible for a "life trust" to be created wherein the Lifestyler has right to occupy a specific home until they die. Upon death, the property can be transferred by the developer, trust, HOA (whoever retains legal title).

There are MANY options.
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For the "lifestylers" - Maybe they could barter their ownership interest for a full-paid home in the new development? Even fully paid, that might not be feasible if there are stiff HOA fees in the new development, but maybe a reduced HOA fee / waived fee could be part of the deal. There are options.

I promise you the homes in the new divelopment will be priced starting somewhere around 2.5 million and those wont have Ocean Front views.
I promise you the homes in the new divelopment will be priced starting somewhere around 2.5 million and those wont have Ocean Front views.

There are losts of condos on the waterfont under $700K in palm beach. The views were of the ocean in some of them. I'd be willing to bet that the condos are probably bigger than the trailor homes too.
Some people think that all people that live in trailers are trash, this just shows their arrogant elitism.
Often trailers are a property tax avoidance method. Since the structure is not permanently affixed, the property is considered "unimproved" and taxed at a waaaaaay lower assessment. These people are not dumb, they know this and that is why they didn't go stick-built - they couldn't afford it.

There are losts of condos on the waterfont under $700K in palm beach. The views were of the ocean in some of them. I'd be willing to bet that the condos are probably bigger than the trailor homes too.

I dont belive that. Show me. Realitors are tricky, they often claim "Waterfront" when the condo is on a canal. They claim Ocean view because from the 20th story, you can see a slice of the ocean in the upper left corner of the window.