From trash to... well... trash w/ money

Yeah thorn I a So Cal kid.

Im easy to please though I could do any kind of nature adjacent life I think.

I do have to admitt as much as people piss me off I do like them.
I like having it both, privavcy and modern life around me.

Ill need a garden ,room for at least two big dogs,nearby college where I can audit classes(I LOVE to talk to young people and here their thoughts on the world) and some decent cheap resturants that know how to cook REAL mexican food.
I know I will end up in Cali somewhere because it has it all,beaches ,mountains,deserts,lakes and weather that cant be beat.

I think I would tire of snow.

BTW vegas is supposed to get up to three inches of snow tomarrow.
Wow sounds like fun are you on a honey moon soon?

walk that beach right before sunlight and watch the sun rise.
I've only been to San Diego in SoCal; beautiful, beautiful area, but the crowding would get to me. I absolutely loved the zoo, though!

Working where I do I get to see and chat with students almost daily, so that part is covered for now. I just don't want neighbors where I live. We have just 3 acres, but it's in the middle of fields of crops, so it feels like a lot more. Huge fenced in back yard that gives the dogs lots of safe play room, and I feed the birds and bunnies in the front. We have a lot of hawks and falcons, too, and quail and quite a variety of other birds during migration in the spring and fall. I want to get a small pond up for the birds, too.
I would like to take a bunch of my favorite family members on one together someday.

hanging by the pool ,drinking and eating great food would be a blast
I would like to take a bunch of my favorite family members on one together someday.

hanging by the pool ,drinking and eating great food would be a blast

Yeah. I would they would make perfect family vacations. You can really do your own thing and come together for meals. No pressure for everyone to do the same thing together the whole time.
Your own cabin and shower and freedom to eat and sleep whenever you want.

No one doing all the work to keep everyone fed and accomadated.