From trash to... well... trash w/ money

do you watch COPS?

nuff said.

Nope I don't watch cops, but they only deal with trash and not too many trailers in NYC or other big cities where they film is there, but plenty of trash....
Trash can live in penthouses as well as trailers. Or live in the whitehouse for that matter.
In the practical sense, you're almost certainly right. In fact, no one probably ought to be living on the beach in south Florida. Certainly not in trailor homes: it's too damned dangerous.

At least those who have to lose their homes against their wishes will get some money out of it. Could be worse.

Ironically, it may be more of a loss for Florida as a whole than for the residents of Briny Breezes -- or whatever the silly name is -- themselves. If I understand it rightly, that part of Florida is getting even more over-developed than the beaches in Hawaii are. High rise hotels and condos cheek by jowl for as far as the eye can see.

Is Florida becoming a retirement home for the more affluent retirees and pushing out the poorer ones ?
It might be a good to sell beach front property before rising sea level puts it under water ;)
Tell me about it. My house is at a whole, whopping 22 feet of elevation. Local wits claim that there are so many dykes in Berkeley and San Francisco that we don't have to worry, but no one takes that seriously. I hope.
Tell me about it. My house is at a whole, whopping 22 feet of elevation. Local wits claim that there are so many dykes in Berkeley and San Francisco that we don't have to worry, but no one takes that seriously. I hope.

Yeah New Orleans did not worry about the dikes either....
What will happen when the oceans do take back some very expensive land on the coasts ? Bankruptcies, massive rush to build dikes and pumps, ???
What will happen when the oceans do take back some very expensive land on the coasts ? Bankruptcies, massive rush to build dikes and pumps, ???
The rich will bitch and whine and the government will waste m/billions fighting Mother Nature; e.g., Dune Road in the Hamptons.
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The rich will bitch and whine and the government will waste m/billions fighting Mother Nature; e.g., Dune Road in the Hamptons.
Probably like fighting in Iraq or Nam I suppose, flush bunches of money and stuff down the drain fighting a battle that cannot be won.
I guess since our gummit will not accept that man is causing global warming, then it will be declared an act of god and insurance will not cover it.
Yes, one big reason I moved back to KY from FL. Same money, but it goes farther here. Well actually I got a nice raise a few months ago :D
I was in about the top 25 % of income brackets in Tampa FL, I am in the top 2% here.
It would be a tough one.

living by the beach is really sweet.

I dont know what its like to live there rich but living there poor is better than living anywhere poor.

When you wake up and smell the soft moist saltly air and then you get up bleary eyed and thow some clothes on and walk the beach barefoot to see what the sea did last night and what washed up, just you and your dog, there is absolutely NOTHING like it.

Even a million dollars sounds like bullshit to me.
Now take that million and go buy yourself a million dollar home anywhere else and I can asure you you will MISS the ocean.
The best oceanfront is in the little podunk beach town without the fru fru inflence.

Yeah give me enough animals around and I could do a farm style life but I would still need to see the ocean once in awhile.

I have never done a lake ,a lake front might be cool too?
Not me Desh, I would buy a 1000 acre farm with a modest house. you can keep the oceanfront location.

that's cool. I could handle that.

The important thing is to be happy. And to be happy where you live. When you die, you're not going to be able to take that money with you. I'd rather be doing something, and living somewhere that makes me happy - even if it costs more money. You only live once.
Not me Desh, I would buy a 1000 acre farm with a modest house. you can keep the oceanfront location.

My husband and I have been contemplating just such a move -- some time in the future, that is. I'd be just as happy to stick the house right in the middle of the acreage, too, so I don't have to deal with people. I can relate to what Desh described, though. Made me really homesick for the summers at my grandmother's beach cottage when I was a kid!
My husband and I have been contemplating just such a move -- some time in the future, that is. I'd be just as happy to stick the house right in the middle of the acreage, too, so I don't have to deal with people. I can relate to what Desh described, though. Made me really homesick for the summers at my grandmother's beach cottage when I was a kid!

If I were in their position I'd definitely get a nice home a little further from the beach that I could outright buy and invest the rest.