You know, after the Civil War, no one was tried for treason. But how on Earth could this not have been treason? We were remarkably light on the south.
If I had been in charge, we would've treated the south as conquered territory. All slave owners and confederate officials would be permanently disfranchised and barred from office for life. The land of plantation owners would be divided up into individual plots tended by those who worked it. Then, in 10 years or so, we may have allowed the south to reform their own states, if we feel like they've proven their worth.
What we chose to do instead was a betrayal. We didn't punish these confederates at all! And pretty soon, they used violence and intimidation to set themselves back up into government. Also, we let slave owners keep their land, after all they had done! And pretty soon, it essentially devolved into a system of slavery all over again. If someone owns all the land, how on Earth am I supposed to be free in a serious sense? My choices are to do whatever they say or starve. This is only freedom if you say that might makes right, I am to be blamed for my own lack of land. Which is a definition of freedom that makes freedom meaningless.
I suppose that we could say that Imperial China was a bastion of freedom, as well. The emperor simply owned everything, and if you didn't like it, you were always free to leave. Or he could always execute you for your trespassing. Total freedom.