They saw you coming, paleface.
' All American ' appeals to immigrant sycophants.
Haw, haw..................................haw.
Stupid foreigner

They saw you coming, paleface.
' All American ' appeals to immigrant sycophants.
Haw, haw..................................haw.
Your implication that we have only two choices. - new coal plants or new nuclear plants - is a false choice, and not supported by the facts.
I never said we only had two choices, that's you. I don't know where you come up with thatOf course there's Natural Gas, a lot of coal fired plants are switching from coal.
You sarcastically mention Fukishima as the gold standard response... I just said they should build coal plants as an alternative. Nowhere did I indicate coal was the only alternative. Sheezz![]()
God, has it been 10 years already?
I hope that mankind doesn't build a single nuclear plant ever again, but we don't seem very good at remembering history.
As accidents go, Fukushima proves the safety of nuclear power rather than its dangers.
I think that the rest of your piffle can be safely ignored.
Ignorance is bliss. You must be superbly happy.
I hope we build lots of new ones to prevailing current standards. As accidents go, Fukushima proves the safety of nuclear power rather than its dangers. Even as poorly constructed as that plant was (there was no secondary containment for example) the number of people injured or dead as a result is far lower than in many conventional industrial accidents. Radioactive materials can be cleaned up and disposed of safely.
It is only ignorance and fear mongering that keeps nuclear power from being the thing that fixes Gorebal Warming cheaply and efficiently.
Owl Woman, a question or three. Do you even know how a nuclear power plant works? How about the dangers of radiation? Can you even name the types of radiation there are?
I think that the rest of your piffle can be safely ignored.
My son is a senior nuclear plant engineer. Yes, I know how it "works." Now go toddle off and read about the half-life of transuranic waste byproducts such as plutonium.
He's just another typical low-info Reichtard voter who thinks that nuclear power is perfectly safe. Just the cost of cleanup for the disaster is staggering.
"Dismantling the Fukushima nuclear plant will take at least another 30 years."
As an aside, solar is going to hit a major disposal disaster in about 20 to 30 years as the boom in their use sees those today hitting the end of their usable lifetime.
The storage problem will be solved long before that- and you'll be parroting your pro-radioactive horseshit piffle in the rubber room.
The storage problem will be solved long before that- and you'll be parroting your pro-radioactive horseshit piffle in the rubber room.
The long term storage problem for spent nuclear fuel is already solved, it's only retards like you that can barely spell "nuclear" and haven't got a clue how things work that are keeping it from being implemented.