T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Ain't nuclear power stations great ? Clean and cheap.
Haw, haw....................................haw.
Cheaper to clean up than the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig catastrophe in the Caribbean...
Dumping water that has had any solids or dissolved solids removed by filtration and has sat for at least two weeks prior to dumping is perfectly fine. By the way, that's the US Navy standard for pumping primary use water (eg., previously exposed to radiation) from nuclear power ships. The reason is because after 14 days the residual radiation in water is 90% natural and the overall level so low that there's no contamination or biohazard to doing so.
On top of that, such water (being fresh water, not sea water) actually has less radioactivity in it than naturally occurring seawater.
By the way 1.27 million tons of water dumped into the Pacific Ocean represents about 1.58 x 10^-10% of the total water in that ocean. That is to say that amount isn't even a drop in a 5 gallon bucket. It's the amount of water in the humidity of the air at less than 1%.
So, citing that the Japanese are dumping 1.27 million tons of water from this accident is nothing but utter and complete fear mongering coming from scientific and engineering illiterates.