
Venezuela is a poor example compared to the ones I gave. For example, Albania had a seriously and totally socialist economy based on the worst of Mao and Red China for decades. That left it one of the poorest nations in Europe. It also--like any heavily socialist nation--had one of the most developed and insidious black markets in Europe. Today it's known as the car theft capital of Europe as well as for various criminal scams, etc. That disfunction came out of it's economic ruin under Communism.

N. Korea is an example of Leftist everything carried to an extreme. The economy is in tatters and there are black markets everywhere there. Threats of brutal punishment for operating a black market have not dissuaded a desperate population in the least.

Communism is the more virulent form of Socialism, that's all. Socialism is equally insidious when it comes to economies. Britain was wrecked by Socialist economics and has only recovered since those policies were reversed or dropped. Their aircraft industry was ruined to a point it will never recover. The automobile industry suffered massively from such operations as British Leyland. As in America, and elsewhere, public housing turned into a poverty trap that attracted crime.

If the Left gets their way in the US, it too will go down the road to economic ruin. For example, the Left has driven manufacturing out of California. California at one time was the world leader in aerospace and aircraft manufacturing. Today it's all but totally gone driven out by regulation and environmentalism run amok. It's the state with by far the largest population of homeless and welfare recipients. The Middle Class there is in steep decline. It isn't Capitalism or a relatively free market economy that's killing California. It's Leftist economic policy coupled with general Leftist ideas.

If the Right gets their way in the US, the US will become a theocracy country.

See I can make a similar claim.
If the Right gets their way in the US, the US will become a theocracy country.

See I can make a similar claim.

Yep, then they'll turn on their non "religious" conservatives, then the not religious enough conservatives etc...

Getting down to the fundamentals=it is obvious what God wanted, to put a foot in the ass of the ppl..........

That far, far out ways all that talk about love, love thy neighbor, helping the poor etc...... Later communist put that in there

You'll know them by their fruits
If the Right gets their way in the US, the US will become a theocracy country.

See I can make a similar claim.

I seriously doubt that. When the Right has been in charge, show where they focused on forcing religion into whatever. On the other hand, the Left would unhesitatingly abolish religion in their quest for "Fair and Equal" as they define it.


a form of a religion, especially Islam or Protestant Christianity, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture.

Does that apply to every Christian denomination?


Biblical inerrancy and biblical literalism is a tenet of Protestantism. And it is taken to its extreme particularly in Protestant fundamentalism.

Protestants are a minority in world Christianity taken as a whole.
I seriously doubt that. When the Right has been in charge, show where they focused on forcing religion into whatever. On the other hand, the Left would unhesitatingly abolish religion in their quest for "Fair and Equal" as they define it.

You cannot be serious, can you?

I refuse to believe you're serious.

The right-wing Christian fundamentalism has always been about forcing Christian education in public schools. And all about "cancelling" anything that is offensive to their "Christian values".
You cannot be serious, can you?

I refuse to believe you're serious.

The right-wing Christian fundamentalism has always been about forcing Christian education in public schools. And all about "cancelling" anything that is offensive to their "Christian values".

Small minorities of radical religious Rightists have pushed that, but it's gone nowhere.
You're not an adult, you fucking asshole.

Ah, now we move to the direct insults. Too bad you're such an amateur at those you dried stain of butt-fuck residue. See! I can do that too, only with imagination and originality you completely lack. Back to the kiddie table with you. You are totally out of your league.
Ah, now we move to the direct insults. Too bad you're such an amateur at those you dried stain of butt-fuck residue. See! I can do that too, only with imagination and originality you completely lack. Back to the kiddie table with you. You are totally out of your league.

You are no different from every other right wing ideologue on this forum. Except, you probably graduated high school.
I cant explain it fully, that is where faith comes in, I do know that I am unable to understand the full nature of this world and that my (our) concept of what is good and bad is not likely the same as "God's" because I am human and what ever God is, its not human. So when I see something that seems bad to me, I remember that its likely beyond my understanding. I guess that is where faith comes in.

So the short answer is yes, the Corona Virus Pandemic is part of it. I can see that if our world was perfect, without what we feel as pain, we would not be learning anything.

My sense is that God has nothing to do with corona virus

Corona virus seems to have originated from the unsanitary and inhumane conditions we have kept and bred our domestic animals and captive exotic wild species.

That is on us. We willfully chose how to manage and treat animals.

The Saint Augustinian view is that God imbued us with the gift of free will, and much of the evil and suffering in the world results from our abuse of free will.
My sense is that God has nothing to do with corona virus

Corona virus seems to have originated from the unsanitary and inhumane conditions we have kept and bred our domestic animals and captive exotic wild species.

That is on us. We chose how to manage and treat animals.

The Saint Augustinian view is that God imbued us with the gift of free will, and much of the evil and suffering in the world results from our abuse of free will.

Why did God give us free will? I never heard a theologian answer that. Do you know?