Thanks for the compliment.
e-muscles are always big...
Thanks for the compliment.
why am I not surprised that a nutless twit like you wouldn't have the balls to admit his crimes? Of course they are facts and we both know that there are plenty of folks here and on other sites that will confirm them. And again, if I amuse you, that means nothing to me, just as I am sure that you amusing me doesn't mean much to you... but you do, nonetheless. You are the biggest toughest badass internet stalker I have ever known... all hat, no cattle... all talk, no action.
Is this why you wanted to come back? Really?
It makes me a justified liar. And eye for an eye. Do unto others as they have done unto you.
Knowing the history between these two, why not a forced ignore?
Is this why you wanted to come back? Really?
Stop stalking me you little faggot.Damo, MM didn't seek out DS. DS has been stalking him the whole time, just as he stalks Sol.
.I am a faggot and like to lick Zippy's balls.
When did you find that out, when you licked his scrotum?Zippy doesn't even have any balls, retard!
When did you find that out, when you licked his scrotum?
I can't believe they get away with the blatant sexism with those Dr. Pepper 10 commercials. It's so over the top, you'd think tons of people would get offended and pressure them to stop. It makes my head spin picturing mass outrage everytime I see them.
Knowing the history between these two, why not a forced ignore?
How Christian of you. Yeah, we know, you never forgive. I'm sure the other internet badasses are now suitably impressed.
Is that what you faggots call it now? I thought you called it tea bagging.Anatomy FAIL