funny commercial

I will, at a time and place of my choosing. Please be patient. In the meantime just relax at the pool, half-drunk on margaritas, with your eyes closed, in the open.

LMAO!!! Oh please! He could sleep by his pool for the next 10 years and he'd be safe. Everyone knows you talk & talk, and you may do some stalking and backstabbing online, nothing else.
I recall a similar comment a few years back when he was a "pastor". Now he's still pissing and moaning about what occurred. LOL
I recall a similar comment a few years back when he was a "pastor". Now he's still pissing and moaning about what occurred. LOL
pissing and moaning? Hardly. I am living a charmed life of luxury in an opulent tropical setting. I merely point out for the record that you did, in fact, stalk me on the internet, find my home and post pictures of it, find pictures of my children and use them as your avatar, find my work email and send me threatening emails there, threaten to come to Maine and accost me in my home, and now threaten to come to Mexico and slit my throat in the night. Those are all facts. Am I worried about you ever carrying out your blustering threats? Of course not. I just want the members here to see you for what you really are. I don't lose a minute's sleep worrying about you. You are a source of comic relief for me in my life... Nothing more.
Those aren't facts. The fact that you think that amuses me greatly though.

why am I not surprised that a nutless twit like you wouldn't have the balls to admit his crimes? Of course they are facts and we both know that there are plenty of folks here and on other sites that will confirm them. And again, if I amuse you, that means nothing to me, just as I am sure that you amusing me doesn't mean much to you... but you do, nonetheless. You are the biggest toughest badass internet stalker I have ever known... all hat, no cattle... all talk, no action.