funny commercial

Dude you're a stalker. Proof: I have never initiated a conversation with you. Ever. And I never "quote" you with a back link and your name attached, yet you find every comment that I post to you and then retort.

Oh, you're a stalker all right.

Funny how a lie is a lie, but stalking ain't.
Now, if you could show where I ever "claimed" any such thing, you might have a point. I was never asked to make any affirmation whatsoever about the contents of my car. And we have all suspected you obtained a great deal of pleasure reaching out and touching stuff from the comfort of your desk.
Again, a lie of omission. Anticipate a little visit soon from your local gun grabbers.
Posting on a public forum does not come close to comparing to your stalking.

I have repeatedly tried to keep you on a topic, but you refuse.

I have certainly not stalked you.

Precisely. DY has stalked me. He has emailed me at my work email address, he has searched out photos of my children and even used them as his avatar on various chat sites, he has threatened to accost me at my home in Maine, and he has threatened to slit my throat at my home in Mexico... Is it any wonder I feel compelled to protect myself from such weirdos?
Again, a lie of omission. Anticipate a little visit soon from your local gun grabbers.
lol... I anticipate plunging into the pool after I finish this margarita. I anticipate laughing my ass off at your ridiculous blustering for years to come. Your silly threats are pathetic.
Dude you're a stalker. Proof: I have never initiated a conversation with you. Ever. And I never "quote" you with a back link and your name attached, yet you find every comment that I post to you and then retort.

Oh, you're a stalker all right.

Funny how a lie is a lie, but stalking ain't.

I respond to every post? lol. Not even close.

So you don't use quotes, and?

You've never initiated any conversation with me? How many threads have you started that were about me '& me alone?

Not, DY, I have not stalked you. You, however, are a known stalker. Both online and in real life.
Oh, the straw man. Don't you ever pst anything other than that? Here's what I actually said:
I have never initiated a conversation with you. Ever. And I never "quote" you with a back link and your name attached, yet you find every comment that I post to you and then retort.
Oh, the straw man. Don't you ever pst anything other than that? Here's what I actually said:

You are trying to equate my posting to you on a public forum with you posting pics of people's kids, emailing people at work and threatening to sneak into someone's house to slit their throat and you have the audacity to call my list a straw man?
Did you read you butt buddy's creative prose?

My buddy? There has been little or no interaction between mm and me. I am calling you out on your shit. And you just keep dancing around trying to justify it or use that old and childish defense of "you did it too!" Even though you know that to be a lie.
DY did, in fact, search out my home in Maine, and post pictures of it...he did, in fact, threaten to accost me there...he did, in fact, find photos of my children and used them as his avatar... He did, in fact, find my work email address and send me threatening emails there... He did, in fact, threaten to find me in Mexico and cut my throat... He can deny those facts, but they, nonetheless, remain facts. Dixie might be creepy, but he doesn't hold a candle to this psycho.
Ah... Those southern boys from the land of dixie sure know how to dish it out... They just have a hard time taking it. lol