funny commercial

Queue the scary music now...

Considering the things you have done and said, I am sure there are some who are scared of you. Psychotic stalkers do scare some people.

But I am no more scared of you than of the little chihuahua next door, and for much the same reason.

But yes, DY, you are a stalker. Yes, you are a hate-filled waste of skin. But when I am bored there is nothing easier than debating you.
Funny, I'm not the one who runs around going "OMG, I'm bending over and my ass is showing! I hope someone doesn't rape me! Dudes? Can you hear me?!!? I said, I hope some big strong man doesn't wander along rape me!!"

I can only like this once, so I thought I'd quote it so more people could enoy the laugh. Funniest post all week.
Considering the things you have done and said, I am sure there are some who are scared of you. Psychotic stalkers do scare some people.

But I am no more scared of you than of the little chihuahua next door, and for much the same reason.

But yes, DY, you are a stalker. Yes, you are a hate-filled waste of skin. But when I am bored there is nothing easier than debating you.

I would tend to agree with you, but the world is, indeed populated with some truly deranged individuals and one never really knows for certain. That's one of the reasons I chose to arm myself here, in Mexico's safest city, because I wanted to provide as much safety and security for my wife and me as I possibly could. Do I really believe that DY would travel all the way here from Tobacco Road to do me harm? Not really, but insurance was pretty inexpensive, all things considered. I mean this is a guy who was so obsessed with me that he found my son's photo on the internet and used it as his avatar... His creepiness knows no bounds, but his potential threat to me stops at my well barricaded doorstep.
Wow, he used your son's photo as an avatar? I though Normon Bates had issues!
I know. I was completely stunned that he would so obsessively stalk me in such a manner. I always assumed he was a little off-kilter, but when he did that, I knew i was dealing with a truly sick man. I was frightened for my child, of course, and for all children this sick man could ever have contact with.
Funny, I'm not the one who runs around going "OMG, I'm bending over and my ass is showing! I hope someone doesn't rape me! Dudes? Can you hear me?!!? I said, I hope some big strong man doesn't wander along rape me!!"

F'in can't stop laughing...

Best post of the year thus far and will be very hard to beat...
I wouldn't lob Dixie and The Tobster in with DY. Dixie's heart is usually in the right place. Toby was harmless if overly silly and obnoxious. DY is pure evil.

Yeah Dixie is bluster, but Skanky, he is the, shouldn't be allowed to own firearms kind of crazy.
...Glock 19.
Once again I catch you in a lie.

Today, notwithstanding the constitutional right, arms possession in Mexico is severely restricted by a wide network of laws. Article 160 of the Federal Penal Code authorizes government employees to carry guns. Article 161 requires a license to carry or sell handguns. Article 162 provides penalties for violations, and also bans the stockpiling of arms without permission. Article 163 states that handguns may only be sold by mercantile establishments, not by individuals. Further, handgun carry permit applicants must post a bond, must prove their need, and must supply five character references.

Title Two of the Federal Law of Firearms allows possession and carrying of handguns in a calibers of .380 or less, although some calibers are excluded, most notably .357 magnum and 9mm parabellum.

In practice, possession of firearms above .22 caliber is severely restricted.

Mexico has some strict drug laws... Expats can lose their immigrante status for mere possession. But go to an expat beach party - I've been to many - and you'd think there was a hemp bonfire... Go figure.

One of the really funny things about Mexican border customs agents, which really is true of most Mexicans, is that they are scared shitless of large dogs. When you cross the border, you hit a big button, and if the light shows green, you drive through with NO customs inspection of the contents of your car... If the light shows up red, the customs agents come out and go through the entire contents of your car... When my wife and I drove through, we hit the button, and the light turned red... Not to worry... My 60 lb. dog and my 45 lb dog both in the back seat growled menacingly at the customs agent as he approached the car...just like they'd been trained to do... And, right on cue, the customs agent waved us right on through. I could have had a stinger missile launcher in the back seat and no one would have said a thing... Those big growling dogs are worth their weight in gold! God, I love this country!

Now again, how does your link "prove" me a liar? lol
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Mexico has some strict drug laws... Expats can lose their immigrante status for mere possession. But go to an expat beach party - I've been to many - and you'd think there was a hemp bonfire... Go figure.

One of the really funny things about Mexican border customs agents, which really is true of most Mexicans, is that they are scared shitless of large dogs. When you cross the border, you hit a big button, and if the light shows green, you drive through with NO customs inspection of the contents of your car... If the light shows up red, the customs agents come out and go through the entire contents of your car... When my wife and I drove through, we hit the button, and the light turned red... Not to worry... My 60 lb. dog and my 45 lb dog both in the back seat growled menacingly at the customs agent as he approached the car...just like they'd been trained to do... And, right on cue, the customs agent waved us right on through. I could have had a stinger missile launcher in the back seat and no one would have said a thing... Those big growling dogs are worth their weight in gold! God, I love this country!

Now again, how does your link "prove" me a liar? lol

You just proved it. By not declaring your weapon you committed a lie of omission. You gonna register that weapon with the local authorities?
We've been over this. The feds have usurped the Constitution and expanded government, thus cheated and lied. Lying to a liar or cheating a cheater is completely fair game.