Gaad puts the boot in the Veep

Nobody takes any notice of your garbage anymore, maggot- not even your JPP morons club.
"@kamalaharris is a vacuous, lobotomized, shallow, inauthentic imbecile. She knows nothing. She has achieved nothing. She has used every non-meritocratic tool to climb the political career. She is a racist; she is divisive; she promotes the cancer of diversity, inclusion, and equity. She is the @justintrudeau of the US. Beware."
Gaad has watched Trudeau get put in and sticking even though he is completely unqualified, and watched him lead the ruination of Canada....He is warning that we should not be confident that the same wont happen re Harris.
Someone on my grapevine said that Bush the Elder was the last qualified person to be made President, and I think this is right, but they are certainly getting worse generally.