Gaad puts the boot in the Veep

She is no intellectual pygmy compared to anybody...except to very stupid people.

And we will see just how long the "honeymoon" lasts.

I say she is going to be President of the United States starting January 20th 2025.
He's really reaching. There are no undecided voters anymore. Previously, it was a choice between Biden and staying home. They certainly would not vote for trump.

Now they have a reason to vote, and they will do so in hordes.

No 'honeymoon' needed.
You better learn how to get along with Democrats dude. Because the way your party has gone crazy, they are going to lose the power that they once had.

Your party has gone so crazy, they may never be in power again unless they come back down to Earth and join the Human Race again!

Fair warning!
Ironically, Republicans didn't control the House for numerous years until Gingrich invented the 'monkeys flinging shit' theory of politics.

Now they occasionally manage to get control, but never legislate. Especially recently, where it's all about grievance politics.

So the Gingrich model had a good run, but it's coming to an abrupt end.
You better learn how to get along with Democrats dude. Because the way your party has gone crazy, they are going to lose the power that they once had.

Your party has gone so crazy, they may never be in power again unless they come back down to Earth and join the Human Race again!

Fair warning!
I already know that Democrats believe the majority of the White race in America is subhuman.
Do you even know who Gad Saad is? I somehow doubt it. You would do well to listen to the man, you might actually learn something. You certainly won't learn much from the Cackler.

Gad Saad is a Lebanese-Canadian Jewish evolutionary psychologist and Professor of marketing at John Molson School of Business. Saad writes for Psychology Today and has a YouTube channel called The Saad Truth.

This is her record in California, pretty abysmal to say the least.

Allow me to translate:

Kamala Harris is scaring the shit out of us because it looks like she is going to kick Trump's ass.
I already know that Democrats believe the majority of the White race in America is subhuman.
That's crazy town talk, typical for you! Why are you such a crazy HATEFUL RACIST Bastard?

Did someone drop you on your head when you were young?

Did someone step on your little Pee Pee?

It's you dude! Yes You! The world is not fucked up- It's you!

Next loser PLEASE!! Bring it!
Ironically, Republicans didn't control the House for numerous years until Gingrich invented the 'monkeys flinging shit' theory of politics.

Now they occasionally manage to get control, but never legislate. Especially recently, where it's all about grievance politics.

So the Gingrich model had a good run, but it's coming to an abrupt end.
Even though Gingrich was a total Horse's ass, and Bill Clinton was a disgraced but very successful productive president, they still managed to work together to get some bills passed.

But this Republiclown led House today, looks more like something we haven't witnessed since we watched Planet Of The Apes or One Flies Over The Coockoo's Nest.
That's crazy town talk, typical for you! Why are you such a crazy HATEFUL RACIST Bastard?

Did someone drop you on your head when you were young?

Did someone step on your little Pee Pee?

It's you dude! Yes You! The world is not fucked up- It's you!

Next loser PLEASE!! Bring it!
Nope. Just ask the Joy's ... Reid and Behar.

You can pretend all you want, ... but Racism against the majority of the White race and hatred of masculinity is your whole Dem platform.
Even though Gingrich was a total Horse's ass, and Bill Clinton was a disgraced but very successful productive president, they still managed to work together to get some bills passed.

But this Republiclown led House today, looks more like something we haven't witnessed since we watched Planet Of The Apes or One Flies Over The Coockoo's Nest.
Because in today's Republican party, allowing any Dem. to have a success is considered a loss. It doesn't matter if their own pet projects are about to be enacted into law. They cannot lose the wedge issue and ability to claim that Dems. failed .
nobody is stupid enough to really believe she's got a chance........

You have to wonder if Frankie is delusional enough to actually believe the idiocy he posts.

Chances of Harris winning the presidency in November: 0.0000000000000000001%

If an asteroid hits and kills everyone except Harris, Truthmatters, and Creepy - then Harris has a SLIGHT chance of winning.
Because in today's Republican party, allowing any Dem. to have a success is considered a loss. It doesn't matter if their own pet projects are about to be enacted into law. They cannot lose the wedge issue and ability to claim that Dems. failed .
We're just here to blame for all of their fuck-ups!

If we weren't here, they'd be slicing and dicing each other's genitals off!
End Wokeness is a lying sack of dung. I looked him up on X and he posted the picture below. There are no such items on Amazon.


They pulled it due to outcry, shit fer brains.
You better learn how to get along with Democrats dude. Because the way your party has gone crazy, they are going to lose the power that they once had.

Your party has gone so crazy, they may never be in power again unless they come back down to Earth and join the Human Race again!

Fair warning!

There is not a single indicator that points to a Harris win.

Not one.

That you WANT doesn't change reality - Comrade.

Harris is losing every battleground states AND the national average.

She is doing WORSE than Quid Pro was.

Here's what's going to happen:

Trump: 340
Harris: 198

And that's based on CNN

You're not just going to lose, it's going to be a landslide.

Will that translate down ballot? I hope so, but can't really say. As for the presidency though - you have literally zero chance of winning.