Gaad puts the boot in the Veep

A bit of an aside: Gaad has been talking lately about how he is being shoved out of his University in spite of his is being made hard and keeps getting worse until he goes away.....a common practice in WOKE.
She is no intellectual pygmy compared to anybody...except to very stupid people.

And we will see just how long the "honeymoon" lasts.

I say she is going to be President of the United States starting January 20th 2025.

But then again you thought Claudine Gay was a towering intellect, so much for your judgement!!
She is no intellectual pygmy compared to anybody...except to very stupid people.

And we will see just how long the "honeymoon" lasts.

I say she is going to be President of the United States starting January 20th 2025.
So, you are saying she's an "intellectual pygmy" when compared to "very stupid people?"

I can believe that.
Allow me to translate:

Kamala Harris is scaring the shit out of us because it looks like she is going to kick Trump's ass.

Do you even know who Gad Saad is? I somehow doubt it. You would do well to listen to the man, you might actually learn something. You certainly won't learn much from the Cackler.

Gad Saad is a Lebanese-Canadian Jewish evolutionary psychologist and Professor of marketing at John Molson School of Business. Saad writes for Psychology Today and has a YouTube channel called The Saad Truth.

This is her record in California, pretty abysmal to say the least.

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California also has far and away the largest number of welfare recipients at roughly 240,000. That's more than three times the next most populous state for welfare recipients, New York.

California is quickly becoming a Turd World nation (state).
End Wokeness is a lying sack of dung. I looked him up on X and he posted the picture below. There are no such items on Amazon.

"@kamalaharris is a vacuous, lobotomized, shallow, inauthentic imbecile. She knows nothing. She has achieved nothing. She has used every non-meritocratic tool to climb the political career. She is a racist; she is divisive; she promotes the cancer of diversity, inclusion, and equity. She is the @justintrudeau of the US. Beware."
You better learn how to get along with Democrats dude. Because the way your party has gone crazy, they are going to lose the power that they once had.

Your party has gone so crazy, they may never be in power again unless they come back down to Earth and join the Human Race again!

Fair warning!
"@kamalaharris is a vacuous, lobotomized, shallow, inauthentic imbecile. She knows nothing. She has achieved nothing. She has used every non-meritocratic tool to climb the political career. She is a racist; she is divisive; she promotes the cancer of diversity, inclusion, and equity. She is the @justintrudeau of the US. Beware."
Any wonder why you white Christ stains are being marginalized
Amazing how our expat Brit in Thailand with an old National Front bent that he vents on America would choose a pedigreed libertarian bull horn to champion his distaste for Harris. No facts, just a parroting of the MAGA/GOP nonsense we've been hearing for the last 25 years or so.

Saad gives his "opinion".... a joke being that like a lot of conservative Jews considers any and all criticism of Israel as "anti-semitic". :rolleyes:

Libertarians are a f***ing joke ... a bunch of conservatives who don't have the cojones to just straight up align with the extreme leanings of the GOP for the last 40 years. He should stick to writing his books on marketing.