Gaming and gambling

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One of the first things we teach in Statistics is probability, and gambling odds (dice and cards) are good tools to use as recognizable examples. Beyond that my interest in gambling/gaming is pretty much nil. There's just so much else I'd rather spend my time and money on and I really don't understand the attraction that this activity has. There seem to be plenty of people who expect the odds to turn in their favor, but other than the few who are able to intelligently calculate probability and act accordingly, most base their hopes on nothing more than sheer superstition and, need I say it, hopeful greed.

When I was a student a few of us went to a conference (my first) and one of the sponsored activities was an evening at the racetrack. I think it was Assiniboia Downs. We were so poor that four of us went in together on each $2. bet. I don't think we broke even, but nobody lost much either. It was interesting to see who might develop a problem with gambling given the opportunity, though.
Gaming. There's an altogether different band of miscreant who dress like elves in real life and go to geeked out sci fi conventions and live in more of a dreamworld than us forum addicts.
Gaming. There's an altogether different band of miscreant who dress like elves in real life and go to geeked out sci fi conventions and live in more of a dreamworld than us forum addicts.

Very few gamers (if we are talking about computer/console games) do that sort of thing. The biggest demographic for online gaming is 30-40-year-old men.
I can totally understand the fun of holdem or roulette. You're usually dressed up, have had a couple of drinks, and want to see some action.

But slots on their own I dont get at all. especially how people get addicted to that. Its just boring after a while. I especially don't get how people do it by themselves.
Very few gamers (if we are talking about computer/console games) do that sort of thing. The biggest demographic for online gaming is 30-40-year-old men.

AT should know. He often dresses up live elves and he doesn't see any of that aforementioned demographic.
Uh oh, we have a gamer. Face it. They all also go to trekkie conventions and have red pubes.

I do not have red pubes, oddly enough, and I hate Star Trek.

I do, however, love to play Call of Duty, Unreal Tournament, Starcraft, Sims 2, and some other games. Needless to say I do not spend all of my time playing, as I have more important things to do. But sometimes I will play in lieu of watching brainless television.
Have you seen these FURRY conventions? it's like the fantasy wing of science fiction /fantasy I guess. They are from the Forest Moon of Endor.

But I've always wanted to do a chick with a tail.

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Absolutely Toxic, you can control the cards you are dealt if you don't get shot doing it.

Now playing the people and the odds are another matter but cards are a game of chance.

The cards themselves are chance but the outcome in the long run is not chance. The results are not chance. Poker is a game of expected value, and with enough hands you can have a solid idea of what your roi is, and you can win a consistent amount.
The cards themselves are chance but the outcome in the long run is not chance. The results are not chance. Poker is a game of expected value, and with enough hands you can have a solid idea of what your roi is, and you can win a consistent amount.

Wow. You're like listening to an alcoholic.
um no. math isn't magic. Pot odds, implied odds, and expected value are all very real and so is being a consistent winner.
Anyway Grind how many thousands have you lost this year?

Seriously, the odds are always against all of you. The only person who wins is the house. They either take an entry fee or rake in a bit of each pool, and in each case the bank accounts of the players playing the game is just going to slowly dwindle unless you're the best player in the game.

And don't even start. You all think you're God's at playing poke.
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We flip a coin and every time it lands on heads you pay me two dollars. Every time it lands on tails I pay you one dollar. We'll do it for a few hours... maybe even all day. Oh sure we are flipping coins right? It's all chance and luck, right? But with 2:1 being in place, what do you think will happen? Even though we are flipping coins and each time is 50/50... do it for a little while and you are going to start noticing a pattern . . .

It's the same thing with poker.
Anyway Grind how many thousands have you lost this year?

Seriously, the odds are always against all of you. The only person who wins is the house.

God you are stupid. Stop talking about things you don't know anything about. Poker isn't a house game. They take a small rake or sometimes make you pay for time, but that's it. You aren't playing against the house, you are playing against other players.