Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

Yep, Israel should absolutely be forthcoming.
Nope. The IDF is killing children for sport; Israel will never be forthcoming about that.

Yet another case of terrorists using human shields...per the article you posted.
There weren't any militant terrorists. Israel needs to claim such to cover for their child-killing. Israel knows that Team Israel is waiting to eagerly lap up more reports of "Hamas hides behind human shields" in order to help them justify their own cheering on of Israel's genocide of Arab Semites.

The IDF isn't going after anyone who attacked Israel on Oct 7th.

The Israeli military said it had conducted a "precise" strike on a "Hamas compound" in the school, but Gaza’s Hamas-run government media office denied the claim.
Summary: The IDF targets a school, kills some children, high-fives each other and tells Team Israel that it was a "Hamas compound" ... and of course Team Israel eats it up without question, applauding and cheering, and of course hurling the phrase "Hamas hides behind human shields" pretending that the fucking dead Arab children so totally deserve everything their getting.

The strike on the school was just another violation of the fourth Geneva convention, with the IDF slaughtering those they were obligated to protect.
When you give them supposedly safe escape routes and then bomb them. When you know there’s massive suffering of non-combatants, especially women and children, starvation, disease, etc. and prevent aid, you’ve got to be examining that prospect.

Don’t like genocide? Find. Try it’s first cousin, ethnic cleansing.
Right, anything that is questionable should be investigated. What I'm saying is that civilian deaths alone are not evidence of genocide. Like I said several times, if Israel is trying to commit genocide they are doing an absolutely horrible job. I'm also hesitant to take anything the Palestinian health ministry says at face value. We have already been lied to buy them, or maybe it was the Hamas government, regarding an attack on a hospital.
Right, anything that is questionable should be investigated. What I'm saying is that civilian deaths alone are not evidence of genocide. Like I said several times, if Israel is trying to commit genocide they are doing an absolutely horrible job. I'm also hesitant to take anything the Palestinian health ministry says at face value. We have already been lied to buy them, or maybe it was the Hamas government, regarding an attack on a hospital.
Simple fix. Let the journalists in. Israel doesn’t, do they?
Right, anything that is questionable should be investigated. What I'm saying is that civilian deaths alone are not evidence of genocide. Like I said several times, if Israel is trying to commit genocide they are doing an absolutely horrible job. I'm also hesitant to take anything the Palestinian health ministry says at face value. We have already been lied to buy them, or maybe it was the Hamas government, regarding an attack on a hospital.
there's nothing zen about Zionism.
Let journalists into Gaza? Even getting into Gaza is major process and I don't think many journalists are jumping at the opportunity to go into Gaza.
There are journalists all over the world chomping at the bit to get in there. I watched Richard Engel all over the place in war zones.
Right, anything that is questionable should be investigated. What I'm saying is that civilian deaths alone are not evidence of genocide.
You clearly have your head up your prosemitic ass. The UN has gathered evidence of genocidal INTENT on the part of the Jewish leadership.
Does Israel have the power to stop journalists from going to Gaza?
Sure- a drone attack on their vehicles, a sniper's bullet to the head. Gaza has been under illegal BLOCKADE for sixteen years, dumbass.
You clearly have your head up your prosemitic ass. The UN has gathered evidence of genocidal INTENT on the part of the Jewish leadership.
Lol... Prosemetic. If I had my way Israel would have never existed. It's ridiculous to create a country based on religion.

What evidence does the UN have? Up until now, your only support for genocide is "civilians are dying".
Lol... Prosemetic. If I had my way Israel would have never existed. It's ridiculous to create a country based on religion.

What evidence does the UN have? Up until now, your only support for genocide is "civilians are dying".
You've simply been to conceited to follow the relevant threads. Too late for you now. Fuck off, you prosemitic clown.
They must never escape justice for their genocidal crimes- or there will be no justice for anybody.