Loves Me Some Souls
Where did I do that?
You're right, my apologies, that wasn't you.
Where did I do that?
You're right, my apologies, that wasn't you.
The whole thing they have against western values started with the crusades.
Eight were enough. Islam stopped invading Europe, didn't it?
I dunno, have they? Lotta Turks in Germany.
Anecdotal but, I have some cousins over there who are really starting to hate their government.
Everyone should always hate the government, and be 3 days away from burning shit down.
Well, no longer formally invading. No need to send armies to break down gates now that leftists are enthusiastically holding them open and aiding the rape, pillage, and plunder of their own continent.
Speaking of ignorance, you do comprehend that Islam isn't a race, correct? Genocide isn't the word for targeting a religion (or in this case, a bloodthirsty death cult), brainiac.
Indeed. I'd like to see Islamists executing liberals except that would mean the end of Western civilization.
Anecdotal but, I have some cousins over there who are really starting to hate their government.
History has proven that there is only one way to deal with Islam. It's called a Crusade. It is the goal of Islam to rule the entire world and to exterminate all other religions, while making sharia the only law . They will never quit. This has been proven by many centuries of history. The only way to combat Islam is through genocide. And even then, it's only a temporary fix. I'm not saying we should kill them all. Any who renounce violence may live. The rest of them need to die. The sooner the better.
He doesn’t even see the hypocrisy of his own statement. It’s truly jesusy of you
Liberals are trashing Western Civilization, as are Muslims. At some point, liberals will learn that the "religion of peace" is a bloodthirsty death cult the hard way.
I lived there for three years recently. They hated their government to begin with (that's what happens when fuel is $7-10 per gallon, everything is illegal, and 60-70% of your income is confiscated by the government). But yes, German elites importing Third World rapists, lunatics, and parasites into the back yards of the people they are supposed to be representing is coming of as quite treasonous to many Germans.
Hahahaha.. Have you ever been out of the US?
LOLOL.. So you were in the military?
Liberals are trashing Western Civilization, as are Muslims. At some point, liberals will learn that the "religion of peace" is a bloodthirsty death cult the hard way.
Not to dignify your invalid ad hominem fallacy of changing the subject to who is more likely to be right (the signature of the weak and defeated) with a response, but I have spent almost the entire last decade overseas in one part of the world or another. Here's the part where I don't participate in your irrelevant pissing contest by asking you where you've been, as if foreign experience makes your arguments any more or less valid. Learn how to debate.
Liberals are trashing Western Civilization, as are Muslims. At some point, liberals will learn that the "religion of peace" is a bloodthirsty death cult the hard way.