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Yeah maybe find a way to "watch" her while she is having free play time. Sort of like my kid riding his bike alone to his friend's house while still being watched.Haha! Let me ask, did you preference what you told them that this was S.F.? Or did they think is was some regular suburb?
I have a sister in law with two sons that work at Google (really sharp kids) but she would not even let them ride BART alone while in high school. She subscribed to the “keep them alive to 18” to the extreme.
So I get the pushback on an 8 year girl walking alone in S.F. I respect that. I’m still a believer in that data that says mental health issues are related to helicopter parenting and lack of free play.
BTW I don't think I mentioned that you live in SF. I live in one of the top cities in North Texas in a very good neighborhood.