Georgia WON'T be apologizing for slavery this year.

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In a recent announcement, Edward DuBose, President of the NAACP, has leveled criticism at Georgia State Senator Robert Brown for Brown's move to block a bill, already approved in the Georgia State Assembly, that would render an official apology from the state of Georgia for its participation in slavery.

Tomorrow, DuBose will be in Brown's home district in Macon, GA to lead a rally.
I am not sure whay all these apologies for slavery are needed.
People like to scrape open old wounds or something ?
Was wondering the same thing. As we delved into our families history we found that some of my mother's folks owned slaves. I don't feel a responsibility to apologize for that and John doesn't think I should either.
I am not sure whay all these apologies for slavery are needed.
People like to scrape open old wounds or something ?

From what I can tell, the state isn't apologizing on behalf of anyone's granddaddy, or on behalf of any individual.

The resolution apologizies for the State's role in slavery (i.e., the State Government). Evidently, the State Government of Georgia, was one of the largest slave owners in the country. Using rented slaves to work on state-owned railroads and such.
still, Why after all these years ?
Does it do any good ?

What good did it do for the Catholic church to apologize a few years ago, for the inquisition, and the persecution of jews 500 years ago? Nobody's alive now who participated in burning witches. Personally, I think it was the right and decent thing to do. It's never too late to apologize and set the historical record straight, in a formal way.
What good did it do for the Catholic church to apologize a few years ago, for the inquisition, and the persecution of jews 500 years ago? Nobody's alive now who participated in burning witches. Personally, I think it was the right and decent thing to do. It's never too late to apologize and set the historical record straight, in a formal way.

Exactly. I think their resistance to do so is more telling. Its not there is any consequence they'll have to endure. I'm not surprised by these southerners.
What good did it do for the Catholic church to apologize a few years ago, for the inquisition, and the persecution of jews 500 years ago? Nobody's alive now who participated in burning witches. Personally, I think it was the right and decent thing to do. It's never too late to apologize and set the historical record straight, in a formal way.

yeah it probably won't hurt, but both the drive for the apology and the resistance against it says things....
Exactly. I think their resistance to do so is more telling. Its not there is any consequence they'll have to endure. I'm not surprised by these southerners.

Ummm, this is the State, some of who's citizen's defend segregated proms by citing "differences in muscial taste" - not racism - as the reason for segregation ;)
Many of those who resist are like me with the "why bother" or "I didn't do it" attitude. I am not sure the motivation for those who are for such an apology.
yeah it probably won't hurt, but both the drive for the apology and the resistance against it says things....

If it took our government 200 years to finally apologize for putting japanese-americans in concentration camps, I'd still think the apology would be the right thing to do.
Ummm, this is the State, some of who's citizen's defend segregated proms by citing "differences in muscial taste" - not racism - as the reason for segregation ;)

Well Cypress, just imagine the cowboy trying to get out there and dance to some hip hop garbage. :)
That music thing is BS. How many people have ever been to a wedding where all the songs were good? My friends wanted to have a wedding like but then when they started talking ot the DJ who mentioned that it was a transgenerational event, and that you have to cognizant of everyone's tastes, they changed their minds.

Same for any school social event. Odds are, most of the songs won't be your favorites, but you go there to have a nice memorable evening with your friends. I hated most of the music at most of our school dances. But I don't necessarily remember that didn't play Bel Biv Devoe - I remember wanting to dance with my crush at the time.
You know at first I was like, another waste of time, but then I thought if this consumes politicians time there, then it's less time they have to pass more spending/regulation bills.
You know at first I was like, another waste of time, but then I thought if this consumes politicians time there, then it's less time they have to pass more spending/regulation bills.

Yeah Dano. You get a gold star. That's your first good point all week!

Keep it up buddy!
If it took our government 200 years to finally apologize for putting japanese-americans in concentration camps, I'd still think the apology would be the right thing to do.
Why have they never apologized for the Germans and Italians in camps across the nation? I have family members that were in a work camp in Georgetown, CO while my grandfather served the nation in the military...

They were fewer and usually immigrants of themselves, like much of my family.
Why have they never apologized for the Germans and Italians in camps across the nation? I have family members that were in a work camp in Georgetown, CO while my grandfather served the nation in the military...

Yea. And when are they going to apologize to me for coming here and stealing my land. Now all I can do is build gambling facilities.

See, there is no end and at some point we have to get past it and look for tomorrow without dragging up all the negatives of the past. It doesn't take an apology a hundred years later to allow that to happen.