Georgia WON'T be apologizing for slavery this year.

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Why? Now that's a better question.

Southern politicians seem staunch in their pursuit to uphold slavery years and the pre-civil rights era. Even if we skip forward today, that is the only region where see politicians openly defiant and embolded in their quest to glorify the past which clearly is offensive to the decendents of slaves.

1) South Carolina repugnants refused to take down the confederate flag on government property

2) Alabama's voted to keep racist verbiage in their constitution

3) Georgia allows their public schools to have student bodies elected by race

Again, I'm not surprised that they wouldn't go out of their way to issue the black community an apology. Its probably more of a headache for them not to. They love it.

Typical black bigot. All you black people are like that. I have proof because I know one or two who did something in the past that was sort of like what you were doing, and therefore all black people are like that. Damn black people.
Not all affirmative action is based on quotas. In fact, none of it is anymore. Grow up and get out of the 80's Alan Bakke.

BTW -- I've posted my position on why "reverse discrimination" is just childish whining many times. Search is your friend. :cool:

OR it's based on "the makeup of the surrounding community" or some other justification of race discrimination.

There is no justification for any kind of usage of racial data in a hiring decision. I shan't be searching. you can try rejustifying it if you wish. I'm certain you haven't.

"whites need not apply" is just as wrong as "Blacks need not apply".
So the fact that he's a democrat does not change your position that this is racism in line with the history of the south. Am I correct?

I want to make sure I understand the positions taken 100%, so I'm asking lots of questions.

I judge actions. Not parties.
Typical black bigot. All you black people are like that. I have proof because I know one or two who did something in the past that was sort of like what you were doing, and therefore all black people are like that. Damn black people.

You're not a very good troller. I give this effort a D+/C-. Next time you have to make sure that you try to mirror me exactly. If I had said all southerners acted like this this would have gotten a better score, but I didn't. The yeah just like a black comment was commical though. Kudos.

And for the record I don't think all southerners are redneck dumbass knuckle-dragging hicks who can't annunciate. Just the ones in stories like these. Weren't you just a few days ago saying that its only natural to notice differences and speak to them?
OR it's based on "the makeup of the surrounding community" or some other justification of race discrimination.

There is no justification for any kind of usage of racial data in a hiring decision. I shan't be searching. you can try rejustifying it if you wish. I'm certain you haven't.

"whites need not apply" is just as wrong as "Blacks need not apply".
But affirmative action does not say that "whites need not apply." It merely says that if you're white you have to be more qualified than any applicant from an under-represented minority. If you really are more qualified then you'll still get the job. If you're not more qualified then you've got nothing to complain about in the first place.

Except that people do. Blaming affirmative action for their being inept losers is almost derigeur among angry white males.
But affirmative action does not say that "whites need not apply." It merely says that if you're white you have to be more qualified than any applicant from an under-represented minority. If you really are more qualified then you'll still get the job. If you're not more qualified then you've got nothing to complain about in the first place.

Except that people do. Blaming affirmative action for their being inept losers is almost derigeur among angry white males.

Enforcing a racial double standard is a heinous violation of any stated goal of racial unity or fairness.

Those slave were just poor losers, they shouldn't have complained.