Georgia WON'T be apologizing for slavery this year.

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I have no opposition to it. I just prefer to keep politicians focusing on such non-issues so we can go about our lives without intervention. As long as they spend time and energy on such fluff, they aren't passing worse legislation, spending more cash that they don't have, taxing us higher promising more spending on education and spending it on raises for themselves, etc.

Therefore any perceieved "opposition" on my part, isn't. It is only raising "issues" with the official apologies. Hopefully we can get enough groups to "demand" apologies that politicians spend all their time hunting for the right words to apologize officially for what people did centuries ago.

Sure we need a government to pass a highway bill.

But, 20 years from now, I'll still remember - and be proud - that Bill Clinton apologized for the japanese-american internment, and John Boehner apologized to the tuskegee airmen, for the treatment they received upon returning home as war heroes. I doubt 20 years from now, I'll remember the 2006 Highway Bill. Those may seem like simple, symbolic things. But its things like that that define us as a people, and our representatives in Washington.
You said
Exactly. I think their resistance to do so is more telling. Its not there is any consequence they'll have to endure. I'm not surprised by these southerners.

You also said - Typical southern politics.

You are not surprised that these southerners are resisting the effort to make an apology. Why are you not surprised at the resistance? Is that because it's typical southern (racist) politics?

Why? Now that's a better question.

Southern politicians seem staunch in their pursuit to uphold slavery years and the pre-civil rights era. Even if we skip forward today, that is the only region where see politicians openly defiant and embolded in their quest to glorify the past which clearly is offensive to the decendents of slaves.

1) South Carolina repugnants refused to take down the confederate flag on government property

2) Alabama's voted to keep racist verbiage in their constitution

3) Georgia allows their public schools to have student bodies elected by race

Again, I'm not surprised that they wouldn't go out of their way to issue the black community an apology. Its probably more of a headache for them not to. They love it.
Why? Now that's a better question.

Southern politicians seem staunch in their pursuit to uphold slavery years and the pre-civil rights era. Even if we skip forward today, that is the only region where see politicians openly defiant and embolded in their quest to glorify the past which clearly is offensive to the decendents of slaves.

1) South Carolina repugnants refused to take down the confederate flag on government property

2) Alabama's voted to keep racist verbiage in their constitution

3) Georgia allows their public schools to have student bodies elected by race

Again, I'm not surprised that they wouldn't go out of their way to issue the black community an apology. Its probably more of a headache for them not to. They love it.
So, in short you're saying, just "good old boy" southern racist bu!!$hit. Because there really isn't any other explanation but out and out racism is there? Do you think that Senator Brown, being but one man, using his power and seniority to block the unanimous desire of the GA assembly and the majority of state senate, is acting in racist fashion?

Edward Dubose is scheduled to be in Macon to head tomorrow's NAACP rally in support of the apology effort, and to speak with Brown after the rally.
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So, in short you're saying, just "good old boy" southern racist bu!!$hit. Because there really isn't any other explanation but out and out racism is there?

Edward Dubose is scheduled to be in Macon to head tomorrow's NAACP rally in support of the apology effort, and to speak with Brown after the rally.

Oh, I've heard all sorts of "principled" xplanations from southerners...southerners just like Dixe:

-"They opposed the MLK holiday, on principle. Not because he was a black man"

-"They opposed inter-racial marriage, out of respect for deep-rooted theological guindance in the bible. Not for racial reasons"

-"They segregate dances based on musical taste. Not because they simply don't like hanging out with the other race"

-"The started flying the confederate flag over state capitols during the height of the civil rights movement, not to stick their finger in the eyes of blacks, but because of principled and honorable respect for history and culture"

Yeah right.

I'm calling bullshit on all those excuses.
The admission of a public apology may open the state to lawsuits in the future.

Besides, the only ongoing institutionalized discrimination is against white males. Where is the apology?
So, in short you're saying, just "good old boy" southern racist bu!!$hit. Because there really isn't any other explanation but out and out racism is there? Do you think that Senator Brown, being but one man, using his power and seniority to block the unanimous desire of the GA assembly and the majority of state senate, is acting in racist fashion?

Edward Dubose is scheduled to be in Macon to head tomorrow's NAACP rally in support of the apology effort, and to speak with Brown after the rally.

I'm saying they have a history and what they are doing now is inline with that history. Ergo, I'm not surprised.

Cypress brought up another gem: the opposition to MLK day.

I suspose all these are mere coincidences and that perhaps their opposition is some how rooted in music
The admission of a public apology may open the state to lawsuits in the future.

Besides, the only ongoing, institutionalized discrimination is against white males. Where is the apology?
Well, it would take an imperfectly animated corpse to believe something like that, so we're right on target. :rolleyes:
I'm saying they have a history and what they are doing now is inline with that history. Ergo, I'm not surprised.

Cypress brought up another gem: the opposition to MLK day.

I suspose all these are mere coincidences and that perhaps their opposition is some how rooted in music
I've always celebrated the fact that Colorado had MLK day long before it was even proposed for a Federal Holiday...
I'm saying they have a history and what they are doing now is inline with that history. Ergo, I'm not surprised.

Cypress brought up another gem: the opposition to MLK day.

I suspose all these are mere coincidences and that perhaps their opposition is some how rooted in music

ROFL-time, at bolded part!

I feel like I have to say every twenty posts or so, that, yes - there are racists in the north, midwest, and west coast. Otherwise topspin will chime in from the peanut gallery.
I'm saying they have a history and what they are doing now is inline with that history. Ergo, I'm not surprised.

Cypress brought up another gem: the opposition to MLK day.

I suspose all these are mere coincidences and that perhaps their opposition is some how rooted in music
Would it make the slightest difference, would it change your opinion one iota, would you think it somehow LESS racist, if I informed you that Brown is a democrat?
Would it make the slightest difference, would it change your opinion one iota, would you think it somehow LESS racist, if I informed you that Brown is a democrat?

1) Who the heck is Brown?

2) Has anyone ever suggested there aren't racist democrats? No they haven't. That was your attempt at a Topspin diversion ;) The southern dixiecrats in particular, have a horrid record of racism.
1) Who the heck is Brown?

2) Has anyone ever suggested there aren't racist democrats? No they haven't. That was your attempt at a Topspin diversion ;) The southern dixiecrats in particular, have a horrid record of racism.
1. Robert Brown is the Senate Minority leader in GA.

2. Was a legitimate question, and it has gone as far as it needs to go. In short, we agree - a racist is a racist, no double standard by party. Fine by me, the point is made. I was just making sure.
What's unbelievable? Have you heard of affirmative action? Quotas? That's race based discrimination. Get yourself unbrainwashed.
Not all affirmative action is based on quotas. In fact, none of it is anymore. Grow up and get out of the 80's Alan Bakke.

BTW -- I've posted my position on why "reverse discrimination" is just childish whining many times. Search is your friend. :cool:
Would it make the slightest difference, would it change your opinion one iota, would you think it somehow LESS racist, if I informed you that Brown is a democrat?

I'm not a partisan apologist. Trust me, I've called out my share of democrats.
I'm not a partisan apologist. Trust me, I've called out my share of democrats.
So the fact that he's a democrat does not change your position that this is racism in line with the history of the south. Am I correct?

I want to make sure I understand the positions taken 100%, so I'm asking lots of questions.