Don't fence me in
and what is wrong with this?
It's a lie.
and what is wrong with this?
What this bullshit bill is meant to do, ladies and gentlemen, is to totally obliterate the private sector health insurance industry in favor of total government control.
Hey numbnuts, I'm referring about getting big daddy government out of health insurance and healthcare completely!!So, the "socialist" president creates a bill developed by the Heritage Foundation that uses private sector health insurance and (once the website stops sucking) actively enables consumers to intelligently choose between private sector options...and that's "total government control"?
I'm glad I don't do drugs, because if I did I might say stupid shit like that.
maybe you can explain how people losing coverage and the others premiums skyrocketing does not make ACA a bad law?Obama lied and should not have done so.
That does not make the ACA a bad law.
And yes, this asswipe of a "president" is more concerned with expanding government than respecting and obeying the US Constitution to the letter!!
enlighten us. i'm eager to see you spin dropped coverage and 80% increases is good compared to 5% increases and people keeping their coverage.because you don't remember what was happening to premiums before it