Get ready for the new spin

Obama lied and should not have done so.

That does not make the ACA a bad law.
I would support a bill that would grandfather people into the plans they currently carry as long as the Insurance Company chooses to offer it.

“One of the main goals of the law is to ensure that people have insurance they can rely on – that doesn’t discriminate or charge more based on pre-existing conditions. The consumers who are getting notices are in plans that do not provide all these protections – but in the vast majority of cases, those same insurers will automatically shift their enrollees to a plan that provides new consumer protections and, for nearly half of individual market enrollees, discounts through premium tax credits,” said White House spokesperson Jessica Santillo.
Now if you get a letter that says hey you are no longer in our X334 program because it doesn't met federal rules.

we have placed you in our z769 plan which does met the federal requirements you have just received the notice you are all up in arms about
Now if you get a letter that says hey you are no longer in our X334 program because it doesn't met federal rules.

we have placed you in our z769 plan which does met the federal requirements you have just received the notice you are all up in arms about

And there is the spin. So Deshy, you are merely proving my point. Thank you.

But was that what the President promised Deshy? Was that how this was sold Deshy?

For once on this site be honest Deshy. Take a step back from your relentless defense of this administration and tell the truth for a change
now how would anyone be pleased with a policy that didn't meet federal standards.

If you like your plan?

you can keep it

why would ANYONE LIKE a plan that had preexsisting conditions denied ?

Imagine if someone on the right ever said that about Bush and Iraq.

"hey Bush lied and should not have done so, that doesn't make taking down Sadaam Hussein a bad thing"

BTW, I am not stating that Bush lied about Iraq, just pointing out Jarods silliness.

Its more honest than claiming Bush did not lie and could be a good point. Just because you don't like the means does not mean you disagree with the ends.
now how would anyone be pleased with a policy that didn't meet federal standards.

If you like your plan?

you can keep it

why would ANYONE LIKE a plan that had preexsisting conditions denied ?

Deshy you are spinning like a top. Why wasn't Obama honest with the American people? Who are you to tell people what they are happy with and what they aren't happy with? Are you saying you know whats best for them? They don't know what is best for themselves?

Whatever happened to not wanting the government to come between someone and their physician? Or is that only for killing babies?
Now if you get a letter that says hey you are no longer in our X334 program because it doesn't met federal rules.

we have placed you in our z769 plan which does met the federal requirements you have just received the notice you are all up in arms about

The problem is that the new plan is sometimes more expensive than the old one, and some people would have preferred the less expensive plan with the poor product.
How many people would take a plan that costs them MORE in copays than is now newly ordered at a certain level below what they have been paying in copays?
The problem is that the new plan is sometimes more expensive than the old one, and some people would have preferred the less expensive plan with the poor product.

But now that is an illegal program that doesn't meet fed standards.
This is one of the few examples of the Conservatives having a point. If you had a substandard plan and wanted to keep it, and the insurance company still wanted to provide it you should be allowed. Especially after the President said you could. Eventually the people with substandard plans would die out and they would be phased out.
Nope the whole point was to STOP the insurers from bilking people with the fine print of what was offered in reality
Most people are going to get a way better deal.

some will pay a little more.

there is no lie here.


that was not meant to be an a brainless emotional "like"
Most people are going to get a way better deal.

some will pay a little more.

there is no lie here.


that was not meant to be an a brainless emotional "like"

Seriously Deshy, I nominate you to take the place of Jay Carney. You are precious in the way you spin for this regime